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Items tagged with: ElectionFraud

"There are efforts around the country to subvert the integrity of the ballot, many of them coming from a collection of conservative activists and Republican-aligned operatives pushing West’s candidacy.

"Republicans and their allies have worked to get West on the ballot in Arizona, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, Nebraska, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Maine."

#Electionfraud #Election2024 #CornelWest #MAGA #Trump

We don't have to go as far as "assassination".

Simply refusing to hold an inauguration until an investigation into #ElectionFraud was completed would be more than sufficient.

#Trivia: The date of the inauguration isn't in the #Constitution. It was set to Jan 20th by #FDR because the actual transition date was too arbitrary (after he was elected in '32 in the middle of #TheGreatDepression, people had to wait until April before Hoover was finally out of office.)
