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Items tagged with: Gazagenocide

Report: "Rashida Tlaib submits names of children [identified as] killed in Gaza into US Congressional record.

“The first 14 pages alone are names of babies under the age of one... That’s 710 babies that the Israeli government has murdered. I wish my colleagues would look at it.”

While the 649-page document names every identified Palestinian killed in Gaza, many of those killed cannot be identified.

#IsraeliAtrocities #USEnablement #GazaGenocide #USPol

Analysis: "Israel is entering the second phase of its war on Gaza, which involves expelling Palestinians, establishing Jewish settlements, & the annexation in the north of the strip while keeping Palestinians living in tents under military occupation in the south for years."

"The Israeli military will strive to complete its takeover of the northern Gaza Strip from the previous border to the Netzarim corridor."


#GazaGenocide #EthnicCleansing @Palestine ...2

Report: “The way Israel is destroying Palestinian food sovereignty [is] not only a shocking example of genocidal conduct, but also a textbook case of sadistic disrespect for human life & dignity."

~Francesca Albanese

"Israel is subjecting Palestinians to a starvation campaign. Life in Gaza is defined by the sea. Since Oct 7, Israel has denied all fishers access to the sea, destroying more than 75 percent of the fishing sector."

~Michael Fakhri

#GazaGenocide .

Report: “The way Israel is destroying Palestinian food sovereignty [is] not only a shocking example of genocidal conduct, but also a textbook case of sadistic disrespect for human life & dignity."

~Francesca Albanese

"Israel is subjecting Palestinians to a starvation campaign. Life in Gaza is defined by the sea. Since Oct 7, Israel has denied all fishers access to the sea, destroying more than 75 percent of the fishing sector."

~Michael Fakhri

#GazaGenocide .

" ... we have Gaza, which is undoubtedly the biggest historical scandal of ... I don't even dare to find a reference, and of which no one in this country will talk about any more. The media don't talk about it any more. I have to google to find a press release."

Former Prime Minister of France, Dominique de Villepin, giving it both barrels on French TV this morning ✊

#GazaGenocide #MediaComplicity

Panel: The importance of UNRWA & why Israel wants to destroy it.

A recent Israeli air strike on a school-polio-vax centre in Gaza killed six UNRWA staff.

Attacking schools & places of shelter is a war crime.

Israel repeatedly & deliberately attacks UNRWA bcz it is mandated to protect Palestinians driven out by Israel's ethnic cleansing & genocide over decades.

Riham Jafari
Chris Gunness & Tamara Alrifai, UNRWA

#UNRWA #IsraeliWarCrimes #GazaGenocide #BDS ..

Latest interview with UK activist and independent journalist Sarah Wilkinson, prevoously isolated under house arrest for online posts regarding the Gaza genocide . She is charged with supporting a proscribed organisation, charges that she denies. But in authoritarian UK, restrictions can be placed indefinitely under bail conditions that allow sanction without evidence. The bail is the jail

#gazagenocide #palestine #TheBailIsTheJail

#GazaGenocide / How Netanyahu Is Trying to Save Himself, Elect Trump and Defeat Harris

Friedman, despite his criticism of #Netanyahu and recognition of his questionable motives behind the continued war on #Gaza and its indefinite prolongation - a fact most Israelis are aware of and been warning about for months - still clings to the two-state solution rhetoric like most mainstream U.S. liberals by gnoring a the fact that the Palestinians' right to self-determination isn't contingent on Israel's willingness or readiness, especially not 76 years into the conflict.

The billions of dollars the U.S. pours into sustaining Israel's colonization project could just as easily be used by #Israel to defend itself within the 1967 borders from those it perceives as threats - those horrible Palestinians who dare to aspire to live normal lives in their own land.


For those puzzled about why so many nations are "blindly" following US on Israel

They're not blind; they're just US client states (see partial list ⬇️)

Under threat of being sued, typically via US corps, for behaviour that "conflicts with their trade agreements", client states do as they're told.

US "agreements" can enable client states to be bankrupted at will.

#USClientStates #Israel #GazaGenocide ...


Amnesty calls for war crimes investigation into Rafah tent massacre.

Erika Guevara-Rosas

"The Israeli military would have been fully aware that the use of bombs that project deadly shrapnel across hundreds of metres … would kill & injure a large number of civilians.

The US-made 113 kilogram GBU-39s used killed at least 36 Palestinians (4 were fighters).

#IsraeliWarCrimes #GazaGenocide #RafahTentBombing ..


The Speech the DNC Wouldn’t Allow on Stage

by Georgia state Representative Ruwa Romman

"What I’m about to read to you is, frankly, very sanitized. It was meant to have an opportunity to represent a Palestinian voice.

"We came here to offer a gift, an opportunity to bridge the gap between our party & our voters... so many people wearing their pins, their keffiyehs, their flags. It’s very unfortunate."

#USPol #DNCCensorship #GazaGenocide #StopUSArmsToIsrael ..


"Biden Appoints Hawkish Official To Lead Israel Policy At State Department"

"Biden's pick reflects a doubling down on the administration’s determination to continue to provide unconditional material support for Israel's genocidal campaign against civilians in Gaza."

The new pick, Mira Resnick, also worked with Netanyahu to allow private American citizens to donate equipment to the Israel military.

#USPol #Israel-US #GazaGenocide #USEnablement ..


"As the political establishment continues to treat Palestine 'business as usual', even imagining Israel's continued presence in "post-war" Gaza (where the scars of its genocide are indelible), be aware that this is absolutely legally wrong."

Francesca Albanese, UN

#USPol #ICJ #UN #GazaGenocide #USEnablement ..