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Items tagged with: IsraelOccupation

#GazaGenocide / How Netanyahu Is Trying to Save Himself, Elect Trump and Defeat Harris

Friedman, despite his criticism of #Netanyahu and recognition of his questionable motives behind the continued war on #Gaza and its indefinite prolongation - a fact most Israelis are aware of and been warning about for months - still clings to the two-state solution rhetoric like most mainstream U.S. liberals by gnoring a the fact that the Palestinians' right to self-determination isn't contingent on Israel's willingness or readiness, especially not 76 years into the conflict.

The billions of dollars the U.S. pours into sustaining Israel's colonization project could just as easily be used by #Israel to defend itself within the 1967 borders from those it perceives as threats - those horrible Palestinians who dare to aspire to live normal lives in their own land.
