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Items tagged with: macron

Dessin de Jul paru dans l'Humanité du 2 janvier 2024.

#voeux2025 #Macron #Jul #Humanité #trancher

Mood face aux noms du nouveau gouvernement Bayrou ce soir... Une dissolution, 3 défaites électorales et... Bergé, Valls, Darmanin, Ferracci, Lombard et cie. Le bras d'honneur de Macron fait aux Français est immense.

#Politique #Bayrou #Gouvernement #Macron #DirectAN #SOS

ginny is homeless after a severe flooding from a hurricane and needs help covering temporary housing and food for them and their pets.

"I have been to hospital 4 times in the past few weeks. I am in near constant either pain or panic and am alone with no family or anyone nearby."

ginny is an orphan and a survivor of nazi harrassment, anything helps!

@mutualaid #DisabilityMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #flood #flooding #inondation #homeless #poverty #orphan #housing #fundraiser #pets #cats #dog #dogs #hospital #help #HelpRequest #Urgent #HelpFolksLive2024 #kirk #hurricane #ClimateChange #climate #catastrophe #flooded #ChronicIllness #asthma #france #macron #francais #euro #airbnb #emergency #disabled #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #queer #queerMutualAid #paypal #koFi #patreon

Isn’t nature beautiful? Here you see a neoliberal anus in its natural environment, cosying up to a fascist dickhead.

#macron #trump #neoliberalism #fascism

Om den politiska krisen i #Frankrike - Stoppa #Macron…