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Items tagged with: riots

While its likely too early to draw conclusions about how the far right rioters will be dealt with (with only a small minority sentenced so far), the Equality Trust *do* sum up an emerging concern expressed here (and elsewhere).

#riots #farright #ruleoflaw

The fascist rioters do have legitimate concerns. They are impoverished by Tory austerity, they are ill educated through cuts to education, their health particularly mental health needs are not being met again through cuts, they have been cruelly misled by a rabid right media and the political right including Tories, Reform, EDL, Reclaim and Labour have woefully misled them. #riots

Jon Mulhall (Hope not Hate) on the claims that the weekend's riots were an expression of 'legitimate concerns':

'There is nothing “legitimate” about trying to burn down a hotel with asylum seekers inside. There is nothing “legitimate” about hurling bricks at mosques or attacking people of colour. This is far-right violence, motivated by a climate of hate and prejudice, and all of those responsible must be held accountable'!

Absolutely right!!!

#riots #farright

What is behind today's Mail front page?

An attempt at balance?

Can you just turn round years of inflaming our politics with lies and hatred by one front page?

#politics #riots #dailymail

"The riots that have spread across the UK from Southport since Tuesday are the effect of a cocktail of anti-immigrant, far-right views mixed with lies about a traumatic news event, gulped down by violent thugs. It is hard to unpick precisely how falsehoods, including that the attacker was a Muslim asylum seeker, were invented and spread. But there is no doubt about the malign role of public figures including Nigel Farage."

~ The Guardian

#UK #riots #violence