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Items tagged with: catsOfMastodon

My Fiancée and I have started the adoption process for our #Cat and are bringing her home in 2 weeks. Any one with recommendations for harnesses as we want to harness train her for #hiking and walks around our town. Bonus for my #dinosaurs fans, my partner agreed to let me name her Sinosauropteryx due to her colors. She is gonna go by Trixie for short.

#catsofmastodon #tabby #torties #TrixietheTorbie

Three siblings, one dog bed
Saba (the dog), Gucio (the cat), and Pixie (the guinea pig), all chillin

I love these guys they're awesome

#pets #catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #guineapig

Finn fick för sig att klättra i äppelträdet. Första gången han kommit hela vägen upp. (Jag ber om ursäkt för min jobbiga ”prata med katten”-röst.) #finncleo #catsofmastodon #cats

“I’m bored, Dad. Can’t you stop working & take me for a walk in the garden instead?” 😾

The boy has a point 🤷‍♂️

#Bengals 🐯
#HomeOffice 🏠
#Photography 📷
#CatsOfMastodon 🐈

Not sure of my exact failing but I have been weighed, measured and found wanting. 🤣 🤣 🤣 #FredTheWonderCat #CatsOfMastodon #Katzen

This is her "you've been at the arcade all day long and my lap time has been too damn low!" face.

#cats #catsofmastodon #caturday

Happy #Caturday to my circular cat Miles, 22 years young and very spoiled. #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

You can snap your fingers all you want, human ,I will not be adjusting my gaze to include you and your foolish gadget. #catsofmastodon #caturday

Första gången jag sett Finn klättra i ett träd. #finncleo #cats #catsofmastodon

Happy #Caturday from this jerk who screamed at the bedroom door to be let in, was let in, sat by the bed and screamed some more until I opened the curtains, then sat here, not even looking outside.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #catstodon #cat #funnyanimals

But… that’s my hat! The one I wear in my profile picture… how can it even be that comfortable?! You’re not listening to me are you?

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

urgent cat help request please 🔥:BlobCat_Flower:

we are looking for someone in #france who can give a loving home to a stray cat. he's a very gentle but very timid boy; as far as we know, he's a local feral.

we're moving internationally imminently and can't take him with us. we've got two cats of our own and are either moving in with family or going to a rental; we've already had complaints about our two. plus we have no idea how we could travel with him for several days given we can barely touch him. :blobcatverysad:

we're currently trying to trap him so as to get him vet treatment, which he very much needs, but after that, he would just be dropped back off here by the refuge who are helping us. and with us gone, who will look after him??

if anyone within reasonable distance of dépt 16 (charente) wants a sweet and lovely new friend who just needs time and attention, please let me know.

please boost, thank you 🙏

#cat #cats #chat #ChatsDeMastodon #CatsOfMastodon

If the pets ever form a band, they have an album cover
#CatsOfMastodon #dogsofmastodon