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Items tagged with: SolarStorm

My wife snapped this amazing pic of the #aurora and moon over Lake Michigan #solarstorm

It's happening! Aurora sightings being reported from Europe.
Just search for "aurora" on twitter or Mastodon.

Visit this website for lots of images posted in real-time in Germany -

Also, see posts and boosts by @AstroMigration

Kp index now above 8.
N. America is in for a treat in the next few hours.

#SolarStorm #Aurora #cme

We are now in G5 territory! Both NOAA and the GFZ in Potsdam are reporting Kp index at 9 (G5). GFZ is the source of the index. This is happening far earlier than predicted. G5 conditions were first observed at Earth at 6:54 p.m. EDT (22:54 UTC).

Let's hope we get a terrific light show tonight and nothing more 🤞.

About an hour ago, the sky turned blood red over Bavaria, Germany. It's the first time I've ever seen an #Aurora in my life. It was so bright to be easily visible with the naked eye. An absolutely jawdropping experience. 🖖😳✨
#polarlights #northernlights #solarstorm #Polarlichter
cc @tagesschau @DLR @dlr_next @stim3on