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Items tagged with: SpaceX

From yesterday: Environmental advocates called it “a land grab of Boca Chica State Park land for a private space corporation that is clearly not in the public interest.” So why is the state parks agency seemingly so eager to work with #SpaceX?

#politics #ElonMusk #news #USpol #Texas #corruption #environment #pollution #SouthTexas

“The budget proposal is functional first step to begin internalizing the externalities wrought from private space flight—the short-term costs are unquestionably most evident in air traffic control. Using the internalization of that cost as a wedge to pursue broader policy initiatives that ensure the ongoing low-Earth congestion caused by increased satellite deployment is calculated and compensated for is a long-term solution.”

#space #spacex #tax @law

"A lunar landing by astronauts in a Starship vehicle, as part of the Artemis programme, once planned for 2025, has been delayed to 2026. And even that looks a stretch given that Starship has yet to fly successfully, let alone with humans on board."

#TheEconomist #SpaceX #NASA #Starship

the general outline of this story has been known for years, but seeing the whole thing written in one single place is truly horrifying and shocking.

the Muskrat is a fascist, narcissistic manchild, and his companies, all of them, are hotbeds of racism and misogyny.
#tesla #spacex

Interesting, the wastewater amount in #Bastrop by #Theboringcompany / #Spacex is much higher than the #gigafactory4 #Berlin usage. #Tesla used much less freshwater than originally expected and also had less wastewater because of their water recycling plant.
The only issue they still have here is that the waste water, because it is recycled so much, has increased levels of nitrogen etc.
Maybe they can build a similar plant in Texas? 😀

If you want to know more: