Items tagged with: Sononym
Review: Sononym sample manager software…
#ArtificialIntelligence #Reviews #software #Sononym #tools
Review: Sononym sample manager software
If you have a lot of samples, a proper sample browser may help your workflow considerably. Josh Turvey takes a detailed look at the software application that aims to offer a fresh perspective on how sounds can be explored and organized.Ronnie (
The latest in my series of #linuxaudio #developer #interview (s) is now online! 😊
I had the pleasure to talk to Bjørn Næsby from #sononym. They make an amazing #crossplatform #sample #manager with the same name.…
I had the pleasure to talk to Bjørn Næsby from #sononym. They make an amazing #crossplatform #sample #manager with the same name.…
Interview with Bjørn Næsby from Sononym | Amadeus Paulussen
Raw vegan, music producer, open source enthusiast and expert in digital arts. Unity consciousness explorer with a focus on creating abundance and fulfillment for everyone and everything.Amadeus Paulussen