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Items tagged with: XMPP

Y'all know that you shouldn't use #Mastodon DMs for anything actually private, right?

Save that for things like #Signal #Matrix & #XMPP

Just pushed a new protoXEP for implementing Remote Control in #XMPP, along with an accompanying implementation in #Libervia!

This is exciting, as it enables not only Remote Desktop, but also controlling devices without video feedback - like using your phone as an ad-hoc touchpad, laptop keyboard to control a Single-board computer, or making automation scripts, and more!

It's designed to be extensible, with plans to add clipboard sharing and gamepad input. Thanks to #NLnet for their support!

Been working on a little #xmpp client!

Still very early-days, but I'm having fun making it!

XMPP chat about it:

#instantmessaging #rust #xmpp

I used to think that #emoji #reactions are for the illiterate.

Then I got addicted to them in Signal and Matrix.

Now I can't wait for #Jabber clients to implement them. Why is this #XEP still experimental after 5 years, @larma ?

#xmpp #xep444 #emojiReactions