Items tagged with: app
I've so far been using Folio for my note taking. It was more stable than Paper it derives from, but is strictly local. That becomes a problem when you have to wield more machines.
Iotas looks more pleasant (subjective) and goes for the explicit markdown view rather than combining presentation and editing like Folio. Much prefer that. But most of all, allows to sync between machines if you have Nextcloud instance available. So far it looks very neat.
As we approach the end of 2024, I thought it'd be helpful to compile a list of the self-hosted apps launched in 2024 that I found to be particularly noteworthy.
And while I think this is a great list, I do have my own biases. So if you're looking for new software to deploy, please don't limit yourself to my list.…
#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #apps #app #software #2024 #foss #opensource #homelab #homeserver
My Favorite Self-Hosted Apps Launched In 2024
A look back at some of my favorite self-hosted software and applications from 2024Ethan Sholly (
Wir wissen, wo dein Auto steht
VW hat mit einer neuen Blamage zu kämpfen. Bewegungsdaten von 800.000 E-Autos sowie Kontaktinformationen zu den Besitzern standen ungeschützt im Netz. Sichtbar war, wer wann zu Hause parkt, beim BND oder vor dem Bordell.
#App #Amazon #Audi #Bewegungsprofil #Cariad #CCC #Cloud #Cybersecurity #Cybersicherheit #Datenschutz #Datensammelwut #Datensparsamkeit #EDV #IT #Seat #Skoda #Überwachung #Volkswagen #VW
This Week in Self-Hosted (20 December 2024)
@homeassistant and #OPNsense updates (@tailscale!), 25+ new software launches, a spotlight on #SpeedtestTracker - a #selfhosted internet connection performance tracker, and more in this week's recap!…
#selfhost #selfhosting #newsletter #opensource #foss #homelab #homeserver #speedtest #app #apps #software
This Week in Self-Hosted (20 December 2024)
Self-hosted news, updates, launches, and content for the week ending Friday, December 20, 2024Ethan Sholly (