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Items tagged with: cryptoCurrency

I have a new article out today in Businessweek: "The State of Crypto Is Anything But Strong" (paywall)

#crypto #cryptocurrency

If you use Discord, you might wanna know this.

A service called Spy Pet is scraping Discord servers, archiving and tracking users' messages and activity, and then selling access to that data.

Spy Pet scrapes more than 10,000 Discord servers, and besides selling access to anyone with cryptocurrency, it offers the data for training AI models or to assist law enforcement agencies, according to its website.

Spy Pet claims to be tracking more than 14,000 servers, 600 million users, and includes a database of more than 3 billion messages.

(The article is paywalled probably, etc but it's here)

#Discord #security #SpyPet #privacy #scams #scammers #crypto #cryptocurrency #AI