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Items tagged with: losangelestimes

"This is a dark day in American journalism. Both papers [Los Angeles Times and Washington Post] have made clear their disdain and disrespect for Donald Trump and published numerous columns on their editorial pages calling him unfit to serve. The refusal of the Washington Post and LA Times to publish editorials endorsing Kamala Harris at this point is nothing but chickenshit."

~ Lucian K. Truscott

#Trump #fascism #WashingtonPost #LosAngelesTimes #media

"Los Angeles Times editorial page editor Mariel Garza, along with journalists Robert Greene and Karin Klein, resigned from the paper after its decision not to endorse Harris, and nearly 2,000 readers canceled their subscriptions."

~ Heather Cox Richardson

#Trump #fascism #LosAngelesTimes #WashingtonPost #JeffBezos

"The Washington Post, too, has seen about 2,000 subscribers bow out, and fourteen of the newspaper’s columnists called the decision not to condemn Trump’s threats to the 'freedom of the press and the values of the Constitution' 'a terrible mistake.' Cartoonist Ann Telnaes published a blacked-out square, playing on the Post’s motto that democracy dies in darkness."

#Trump #fascism #LosAngelesTimes #WashingtonPost #JeffBezos

"William Lewis is a liar who apparently believes the American people are stupid. As Santiago Mayor (@SSantiagoMayor) said on Twitter, 'Funny how no newspaper had an issue with their editorial boards calling on Biden to withdraw.'”

~ Robert B. Hubbell

#Trump #fascism #LosAngelesTimes #WashingtonPost #JeffBezos #WillLewis

"On the same day that Bezos ordered WaPo not to endorse Kamala Harris (which the Editorial Board was prepared to do), Trump met with representatives of Bezos’ struggling space flight company, Blue Origin."

#Trump #fascism #LosAngelesTimes #WashingtonPost #JeffBezos #WillLewis #EconomicElites #CorporateLeaders

Should you need more motivation to VOTE NOW, should you not be ANGRY ENOUGH with the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times for FAILURE TO ENDORSE when one side is a FASCIST, if you're not pissed off enough by what Republicans have done, are doing, and will do in the future, win or lose, have I got a video for you!

#Emptywheel #NicoleSandler #USpolitics #Election2024 #WashingtonPost #LosAngelesTimes #fascism #Vote #VoteNow #VoteBlue #VoteEarly #HarrisWalz2024

so the #LosAngelesTimes owner #PatrickSoonShiong killed its endorsement of #Harris. #Editorial Chief #MarielGarza and others quit in protest


"#JeffBezos killed #WashingtonPost endorsement of Kamala Harris, paper reports"

question: what do people think of parasite #plutocracy controlling the "#freepress"?

this is a step in the march to #fascism
