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Items tagged with: sysadmin

Hello #fediverse
I’m #self-hosting a single user #pleroma instance and was wondering…
Does anyone have experience self-destructing a pleroma instance, like what the self-destruct command does with #mastodon ?

I want to nuke my db and after testing some different options start fresh with possibly a different piece of software without breaking #federation
Any help is appreciated fellow #sysadmin peepulz

I *think* I figured out the folder permissions to pull this off?

Not much luck with the nginx config though, would really appreciate some help.

#FediAdmins #MastoAdmins #nginx #sysadmin #devops #FediverseWorldSightDay

My favorite #nginx config block:

Bot Trolling

if ($http_user_agent ~ (xxxx|yyy|zzz) ) {
return 301;

#sysadmin #selfhosted #selfhosting

Heads up #Linux admins. If you're running a really recent release of ssh you might want to read this:

TLDR: lz and a related library had a backdoor installed in 5.6.0. sshd launched by systemd rendered vulnerable.


New blog post: #Vultr just betrayed us.

I've recommended them for years. Will be moving off immediately. #sysadmin

No, not a joke.

[edit: muting this thread. I don't have time to argue with folks who haven't been screwed by contract language just like this.]

Holy carp.

IANA might be moving on a TLD for internal use. It's only taken, what? Thirty years? That I, personally, have been following this? #sysadmin