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Mastodon Bird UI 2.0.6 stable is now released! This version supports Mastodon v4.3.2 and v4.4.0-alpha. :neon_skull:

Live demo (single column layout only):
Source code and installation instructions:…

#MastodonBirdUI #BirdUI #CSS #UI #WebDev #OpenSource #Mastodon #MastoAdmin

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Jolly Jcrabapple reshared this.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

i don't know if this is the thing you were thinking of integrating fedialgo to or not but either way i've pushed some new features and i think it's in a pretty stable place at this point. API shouldn't have too many major changes in the future.…

in reply to ⚯ Michel de Cryptadamus ⚯

@cryptadamist Mastodon Bird UI is just a Mastodon theme, CSS only. I'm thinking of adding fedialgo to Mastodon itself, first to my Mastodon fork and then suggesting it as a PR. But didn't get into it just yet, I have too many projects. Thanks for the tool and letting me know about the updates 👍
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

if you have any thoughts as far as more features let me know; i'm kind of out of ideas at this point.