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For the sake of balance, because I criticized liberal civility so much, I just wanted to say that it is refreshing to see the Harris campaign drop that bullshit.

Trump IS old and quite weird. We've kept people from the White House for less.

#LikeRonDeSantis #AmericaWasntReadyForItsFirstGooberPresident #CeasefireNow #Ceasefire #Harris #Harris2024 #Election2024 #Elections2024 #Politics #USPol #USPolitics

in reply to Lety Does Stuff

what are you talking about?

Personally I criticize Harris quite a lot specifically for the bullshit that she has been spouting all these years.

She has a long history of it, so what are you seeing that represents a change?

One of the reasons I consider her such a flawed candidate.