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If you’re on, I would highly recommend that you switch to a different server that protects its people instead of exposing them to a well-known bad actor like Facebook/Meta via Threads.

For alternatives, see:

And remember that Mastodon is not the fediverse. The fediverse is much more than just Mastodon and definitely more so than and Mastodon gGmbH.

#mastodonSocial #mastodonGGMBH #mastodon #fediverse #threads #facebook #meta

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻 reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Thanks for the reminder. Moving to was still on my to-do list.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I'll just sit and wait for some lawsuits against Eugen and his company for allowing people being robbed by Meta due to his ignorance and dumb actions. I wonder how long it takes to see the first one? 🤔 🙄
in reply to Martina Neumayer

@MartinaNeumayer I wouldn’t hold your breath. This is not a legal issue, it’s an ethical one.
in reply to Aral Balkan

No worries I wouldn't. Yes it is very ethical and also very legal one issue. This is a European company and if its irresponsible actions lead to someone's losses or violations of the law, it may be sued in court. This is technically called shared responsibility. Especially in the situation where the company was pretty obviously aware in the first place of the dangers, which all those moves may/can lead to. Can be prosecuted as an misdemeanor or crime committed consciously and premeditated.
in reply to Aral Balkan

2/2 For example case like that, here by us in Luxemburg will be so prosecuted ootb, and it would depend solely on the judge alone how the case would be classified from the very beginning, and this would further determine its course and the type of verdict. If the judge says that it is an criminal case, the company is so good as done, no matter what sentence will be at the end. Criminally prosecuted companies here are going bankrupt very soon and fast due to the destroyed opinion.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

hey aral, is there something i could do to help people get off
in reply to eatyourglory

@eatyourglory Donno, I guess you could offer to help them if they’re having trouble or asking for help :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Thanks for the reminded. I just moved off of after procastinating!
in reply to Aral Balkan

yes you should probably move away from but not because they are federating with threats. Instead just because the server is becoming to crowded.

There is (currently) zero threat in federating with Threads (pun intended) and you can all relaxe about this a little 🙂

Eugene himself is doing a great job for the fediverse. Being open to even meta and not excluding them by principle.

Issues about moderation can and should be addressed to the threads team but please be fair.

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in reply to ThatGuyWithTheGreenShirt1589

@tgwtgs1589 Thanks, ThatGuyWithTheGreenShirt, I’m sure every vulnerable group on the fediverse can breathe easier now that you’ve set their minds at ease that it’s not a threat to your privileged self.
in reply to ThatGuyWithTheGreenShirt1589

What's wrong with excluding meta by principle? They've been around long enough to allow anyone to take an informed, conscious decision about that.
in reply to Eh?!?

@Eh__tweet @tgwtgs1589
Meta is full of horrible people with horrible actions, and in addition the platforms they operate are far from perfect and the moderation-standards have a real bad cultural and political bias.

That being said, Rocho is very interested in having official accounts (like those of the White House) federated, so if/when problems with Meta become obvious, it's easier to get them to self-host. I can't really fault that logic, even if it's a deal with a devil.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Another reason to leave it has become notorious for censoring accounts that challenge the western imperialist narrative (and note that is under the same ownership).
in reply to Aral Balkan

I just wish there was an easy way to find servers that align with ones morals? I left my first one due to them not defederating from Meta, next I chose an EU one, they suspended me for calling out blatant Israeli propaganda and now I'm stuck here because I couldn't find anything better. Being on here feels more and more like a chore and a LOT of servers make neither block lists nor rules beyond "don't break law" public.
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Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm on, and I can see threads posts if I directly search for them, but they haven't shown up on the general "discover" section or whatever, if I do have to move servers, I hope it's relatively easy to a server just to host my account
in reply to Aral Balkan

but I’ve got all my friends on Instagram where most are going to Threads, not Mastodon or any other part of the Fediverse. I love that I will be able to interact with them here.

Also, I think with the lack of algorithm here, most will find more engagement from Mastodon users than the void that is Threads.

I want to hate Meta too, but I actually think this will bring more awareness of the Fediverse than anything else, you know?

in reply to Aral Balkan

I don't really get how this is a problem.

It's just another instance in fediverse. Threads don't get any more data than other servers do. And your data is publicly available, that's why it's social media. This is more dangerous, than the service that you don't use anyway.

And even if you don't like threads, just block it.

in reply to Анатолий Богомолов

@winet Sure. Let’s also federate with Gab and every other instance blocked for being a bad actor. In fact, let’s just remove the feature of blocking servers entirely from the Mastodon codebase.
in reply to Aral Balkan

first, I didn't say that we should be federate with everyone. Maybe we have a different vision for a bad actor instance. For me it is servers that are made *primarily* for illegal or unacceptable behavior like, hate speech, "sharing" child porn, promoting violence, spam. Everything else is just people's opinions. Stupid, cringe, wrong everything but opinions.


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in reply to Aral Balkan

How about not telling people where they can and can't be?
in reply to Aral Balkan

the #Irish are forming a protective perimeter at

All Irish people and Irishphiles and Irish festishes are recommended to join. Bring biscuits, cats and sark.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Ah, too bad. I respect Eugen's work and wanted to give the larger instances time, but will look for another instance now.

Is there any site where I can filter instances that have a higher maximum character limit than the default 500? and do not seem to have this particular filter.

If I have to move, I'd like to move to one that blocks Threads (and Bluesky) and have a higher limit.

And accepts my fuming toots condemning nazis :catjam:


in reply to McWabbit🐰 has moved

@Wabbit It doesn’t matter if an instance federates with threads - like any other instance, if you want to block the whole instance, the option is in the ‘…’ menu on any post from You have the power to decide for yourself.
in reply to Stephen Gentle

@stephengentle @Wabbit Only it does matter. One the fediverse we don’t just protect ourselves, we also watch out for those around us.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@stephengentle It's a matter of principle.
The further from association as possible, the better.
in reply to Aral Balkan

You can have the views that you want about #Threads and #Meta and all but exposing @Gargon to more cyber abuse. Those who you think you want to protect will themselves abuse Gargon in a heart beat.
Anyone replying to this with offensive tone will be blocked. I dont follow you Aral and wont ever do, Im not interested in any of the issue you comment about. Im commenting beacuse I follow the #Threads and I have seen countless of user offering cyber abuse towards Gargon.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I don't understand why threads is an issue. It seems like just another server to me. Maybe one with issues moderating people, but doesn't the massive amount of users and content on it outweigh that?
in reply to Aral Balkan

context?! I'm following @Gargron to check...
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in reply to Felipe @Gargron Here’s your context:

And you know what you can do with your “desinformation” [sic] tag.

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in reply to Aral Balkan

@antimidia cuidado: tá descontextualizado (só postou print sem dar link: ) - é meio que desinformação isso
in reply to Aral Balkan

Eugen Rochko really likes the fame and Money that came with the popularity of Mastodon and now he wants to keep it that way by pleasing the masses. 🤮

#Mastodon #Fediverse #EugenRochko

in reply to BiggestBulb 💡🏳️‍🌈🧑‍💻

@BiggestBulb Yep, is @stux’s instance. Looks like they’re federating with Facebook/Meta too, though.

Facebook/Meta doesn’t get as much legitimacy from smaller instances + not the author of Mastodon’s instances federating but still.

in reply to Aral Balkan

What exactly do you precive the danger to be?

I don't like threads, but it's mere existence and inclusion doesn't seem to be dangerous. Right now it seems more like a benign tumor. Something to watch.

in reply to the_wiggler

in reply to Aral Balkan

It is not an open and federated protocol that gets widely adapted if you have a lock out of potencial partners.
in reply to taketwo

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing @taketwo Is it me or is that headline weird? Like, they are describing stochastic terrorism. Those people might also technically have been activists, but if they're doing a stochastic terrorism, shouldn't they be called stochastic terrorists? Maybe I'm wrong but to me the headline should read something to the effect of "Facebook enables stochastic terrorists to incite ethnic violence"
in reply to (Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

I think most people don't know what "stochastic" means? They're trying to keep the headline as widely readable as possible.

Also, to be specific, it's not that Meta enables, it's that they knowingly allow.

Meta/Facebook wrote a secret internal memo in 2016 where they said they knew this would happen and said they would carry on regardless:

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

I have threads blocked so I won't get caught up in their ugliness.
in reply to Aral Balkan

He said this right after offering his service to the Whitehouse, what a friggin bootlicker
in reply to Juho Mäntysalo

in reply to Aral Balkan


Larte institutional actors? When has that ever been true? Is tiktok big because biden is on it? No platforms get big then institutions move in

in reply to 🇵🇸 damaged gods 🇺🇦

More like: is internet big because a whitehouse (among other institutional actors) has a webpage? Is email big because whitehouse (among other..) has an adress?

I'd argue yes.

in reply to 🇵🇸 damaged gods 🇺🇦

Well, arguably both internet and email became popular when commercial operators were allowed operations in the second half of the 1990s.

At that point Internet had existed half a decade, and email two.

in reply to Juho Mäntysalo

@iju @big_louse That’s when they began to be exploited for profit. Because our economic system doesn’t enable us to image futures where exploitation ad enshittification isn’t the only possible option.
in reply to Aral Balkan

That was also the point where people who weren't businessmen or university students started having access.

Though I suppose there were alternatives, like government operated tech and services like that surrounding BBC Micro.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

in reply to Juho Mäntysalo

Content warning: Meta

in reply to Aral Balkan

Simple fact of not blocking threads just for their nonexistent moderation is repulsive
in reply to Aral Balkan

counter-take: users don't need to be protected and it's up to them to decide whether a) threads is harmful (whether it actually is makes no difference to my argument, feel free to replace it by any other fedi instance), and b) act upon it by blocking the instance on their end. I like cuz I get to make these decisions. If threads became a problem by (D)DOSing other instances, then of course I'd take an instance-wide ban, although that has yet to happen.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

I am too old for this sh*t.
How do I shift to a different server? I don't want anything, at all, to do with threads.
Not expecting you to tell me how to move, I'll look it up. Thanks for this info, though 😎
in reply to Aral Balkan

I find it funny that this is being discussed again because a certain US propaganda account that is irrelevant for most of the world now has threads. Like if I wanted to be fed propaganda I could simply watch a few select news channels.