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The Eiffel Tower was lit today in blue and yellow, the national colors of Ukraine 🇺🇦
in reply to Vee

#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol


Yes, and, sorry, spineless #Macron didn't instruct FR"s representative at the #UN Security Council to veto the RUS inspired #US ceasefire resolution, which a striking *two thirds* of the General Assembly thought needed significant amendments.

Shame on #France, shame on #Britain, which also chickened out.

tRump is #PutinsPupet. At best, he will pursue 19th century stile hegemonic powers doctrines, at worst, he"ll continue to...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol


...destroy the last remaining ng superpower from within.

It will not take the 4 years of rRump's 2nd, but maybe not last, term for him to destroy any appearance if reliability and trustworthiness as a foreign ally.
His arcane mercantilistic economics policies will leave millions of US residents and those of other countries a lot poorer and the probable coming of a police state at the grace of, alad, not #DobaldDuck but #DonaldTrump...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴


Yes. I have to say I was right again about how quickly the US economy is going to tank.... but still it's impressive to witness.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol


...can only be a matter of time seen from today's vantage point.

For those who haven't noticed, #JDVance all but cancelled #US membership in #NATO not even two weeks ago at the #MSC2025.


in reply to Vee

#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol #RUSpol


Putler and His Puppet must be laughing there asses off every time they have a private video call: the #grand irony of the #MAGA slogan, #AmericaFirst. 1)
Last time, it was the party of this name doing agent #Viereck's bidding at the behest of #Hitler, contrary to #US' national interest s.
Thus time round, the European capital remotes controlling not only the legislative, but having landed a trifecta, is not #Berlin, but #Moscow

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol #RUSpol


...Russia, with Love...
!--The Kiss of the Spiderwoman.



This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Vee

#GeoPol #WWIII #USpol #RUSpol #ChinaPol

Not necessarily:

#tRump is #Putler's client, but #Russia is fast becoming Xi"s client.

Even if not (yet,,) the 3 powers can easily claim there sphere's of influence.

#Europe got its final warning at the #MSC2025 2 weeks ago by #JD and seems to still he bungling it. Said differently, U don't see the #EU or the #UK switching to #WartimeProduction anytime soon.

As a researcher at the Munich military university said 2day: it isn"t...

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Vee

Also, not quite.

#Xi needs #UKR as a (the?) primary source of grain.

On the other hand, RUS has a technical advantage in tactical nuclear missiles and is currently vacating the #Kursk region...

In #WWII, the #US only threw 2 nukes and #Japan capitulated.

Cowing the peoples if Europe is the primary objective.


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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴


if nukes are used, I'll bet it'l come from #rus I don't see who else would use them.
Also they might not be done with solely #ukraine... they want lot of stuff around still.

in reply to Vee


And I'm afraid now that the US's nuclear umbrella over Europe has become unstable, if not retracted, that Putler will select a target that will cow the European remainder of NATO.
It will not be a French or a UK town, it could be in the Kursk region. However, being an avid student of history, he will, I reckon, avoid striking former SU territory.
On the other hand, Kursk is in Russia and would not mean striking a foreign country while still annihilating enemy forces...

in reply to Vee

The next one, though not with much military force, should be Moldova, IMO.

Finland?--They're probably the most prepared state in Western Europe. The Baltic States? They have been such an integral part of Russian history, then the strategic importance of Baltic seaports, no, there, it will not be by more conventional means.

So, yes, a major Finish or Swedish city, probably in the North, to avoid the spread of nuclear fallout by wind, in particular towards Russia.

On the...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

...other hand, "you" usually go for the strongest adversary. In conventional military terms, that could be Poland. In economic terms, that would be Germany, the greatest financial pillar of #Ukraine.

A lot of idle thoughts, yes, but the #TrumpCoup made them, alas, thinkable.


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

(2/2) would still send a a powerful signal to the world, in particular Europe.

OFC, the nuclear beast would be out of Pandora's box again, hard to ever get it back in again...

#WWIII?, not unlikely, if you don't count what has already been transpiring in #HybridWarfare outside the borders of #Ukraine, in Europe, in the US, but also in China.--In retrospect, to my great dismay, it could have already started...


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in reply to Vee

"...something like that happened..".

A strike with tactical nuclear missiles by the Kremlin at an EU town, you mean?

Would the UK and FR still uphold Article V?
The MAGA government would not, that is clear since the #MSC2025, even if, say, Germany permitted " FreeSpeech" #MAGA style, aka #NaziTalk like in the 1930's and 40's again.

What do you do if s.o. is blackmailing you? Do you pay the money?

OFC not, it'll never end!

This, in fact, is what the #USgov is doing to its..

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴


...former "Allies" from the across the #Atlantic.

As I wrote earlier, like #Mobsters.

This is what we get for being to picky about #PamelaHarris.

The #MAGAT's need to pay up the oligarchs having financed the #TrumpCoup.

As #AOC said on #YT in a 90 min. speech a week ago or so:

The #TrumpeanTaxbreaks for the #Superrich are sunsetting in just a few months. To refinance them, as the #US would not meet the #EU #DeficitCriteria by far, they need to find huge amounts...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴


...of money. About 50% of this is earmarked to come from #Medicare and #Medicaid. #SocialSecurity will be gutted.1)

When will the redneck #MAGA'ts finally see the light and become conscious?



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in reply to Vee

I have to agree with you, they're probably bound to this fate by now:…

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴

@HistoPol no, also i should be clearer, I don't think (or maybe hope?) that it'll be a war-war... more like an economic war, complete with crashes etc... which will change the poles of power.
in reply to Vee

I had thought so, too, until the end of last week or so. I had not counted on tRump showing his true colors within the first 10 days or so of his 2nd presidency.

We're already on the brink of a global #GlobalTradeWar.

As the, presently, two current #SuperPowers repartition the globe, there is, in contrast to #ColdWarI, no objective need for a global hot war.