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Reminder for Pride month that Meta's platforms including #Threads are allowing the spread of hateful transphobic content:


Allowing Threads to federate is allowing hatred to spread.

- If you run a Fediverse server, please defederate (instructions for Mastodon are here:

- If you don't run a server, please ask your server admin to defederate

#PrideMonth #Pride #LGBTQIA #Transphobia #HumanRights #Meta

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Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Because it's not about you, it's about preventing hatred spreading and radicalising people into becoming bigots and worse.

If admins allow hatred to spread, it allows lies to spread about vulnerable minorities. It leads to discrimination, abuse and even physical violence.

Meta's moderation is so bad, it has even been linked to mass murders and genocides:

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Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

"I‘m currently seeing only posts from accounts on that I explicitly followed,"

As I said, it isn't about you.

It's about the victims of people who see and share bigoted material on badly-moderated platforms like Threads.

Please put yourself in the position of someone abused or attacked by people radicalised online.

"(defederation) should only be used if necessary"

It is necessary. Meta's failure to moderate its users is leading to bigotry, violence and mass murder.

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Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

"It is about me."

It really isn't. Victims of bigotry are being discriminated against, abused, beaten and murdered IN REAL LIFE because of lies spread online.

Your convenience on social media is nothing compared to this.

If Meta is unwilling to moderate its platforms properly, to the point where people are being killed, they need to be isolated (and hopefully shut down, but that's sort of beyond the Fediverse's powers).

Individual blocking doesn't stop hate spreading, because the people who do individual blocks of bigotry are least likely to be radicalised. It's the radicalisation that needs to be stopped.

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Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


Some people believe in doing whatever they can to help, even if it seems small.

If it's too small, why are you complaining? Why does it matter if this place blocks Threads?

Why not just join Threads if it is so important to you to be there?

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


"maybe even make people to also open an account on to interact with accounts there."

If people want to use Threads, they are almost certainly just going to join Threads.

The point of this place is to provide a better alternative, not to spread the vile toxic hateful stuff that Meta allows on its platform.

Threads only started last year FFS. The Fediverse has been around since the early 2010s, and it exploded in popularity in 2022, a year before Threads even launched.

Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


"As I said, you would not achieve your goal of Meta doing better moderation"

If Meta didn't need something from us, they wouldn't have joined the Fediverse.

My guess is that Meta want to tell government regulators in private meetings "Look, we are interoperable already! You don't need to regulate us!"

If we federate with Meta, we are simply doing what they want us to do, we are providing whatever they were seeking when they started federating.

Unknown parent

David Haller
@constancies That's true, but if more and more instances block (or even block instances not blocking, as demanded by some people), you get less and less options to choose from.
in reply to David Haller

@david That’s a good point. That said, I don’t necessarily expect even the majority of Mastodon instances to actually block Threads, and if that does end up happening, there will probably be a very good reason for it. Threads would have to screw up big time for so many instances to block it, imo.
Unknown parent

@david I don’t think this is an entirely fair comparison because typically you’re stuck with a small selection of ISPs in your area that generally operate similarly. Whereas on the Fediverse, if you don’t like your instance admin blocking Threads, you can feel free to migrate to a different instance, with a wholly different set of rules, which doesn’t block Threads. There are plenty of Mastodon instances to choose from.
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Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

"Overblocking could even be a threat to the existence of the Fediverse, if we get a bunch of small island instances that don't talk with each other."


If you're comfortable federating with a company linked to genocides, what the heck does it have to do to earn a block?

Do they have to threaten your own life, rather than some other group that you're not connected to?

Show some empathy here, please.

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


Also, if you're really genuinely a fan of interoperability, having a giant instance is a big threat to that.

Threads could do the embrace extend extinguish on the Fediverse because of how big it is.

Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


"I know there a lots of geeks working at Meta that like open source and the Fediverse"

No. Companies this size don't do such big projects for the heck of it. They do it because it makes them money, that is at the heart of everything they do.

Facebook/Meta is totally amoral:

This kind of company should not be in charge of things that get people killed. They even KNEW they would get people killed:

"We should not immediately expect an evil plot if a company supports an open source project."

This isn't "supporting", it's co-opting it for its own purposes.

Unknown parent

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈
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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

I like mastodon, but keep returning to twitter for posts by local politicians and government services, like the sheriff's office and state emergency management department. While facebook's moderation is bad, twitter's moderation is horrendous, and if the instance I'm on defederates I'll probably switch over to one that stays federated, if that ends up being an option to see local info without twitter trolls and spam. I respect people's disgust at facebook though; it's well deserved
in reply to Evan

Totally sympathise, it's not your fault. That's a really difficult situation.

It is depressing that public bodies and public servants would put important public info on a closed toxic platform that cannot even be viewed or followed from the outside.

Is there any chance those services have an RSS feed too, maybe on their website? If so, you may be able to turn them into accounts on here through a service called RSS Parrot:

For example the White House's briefing room can be followed at:

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@david good point. That is pretty bad. I guess I really don’t know whether or not most servers will ever defederate from FB, then.
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediTips There are some useful Threads accounts such as The Whitehouse’s account. I follow that acount with my Mastodon client. I would like to be able to continue to follow that account. It would be nice if the Whitehouse would come on Mastodon directly, but I’m not holding my breath. Isn’t there a way to block specific Threads accounts instead of just a blanket block?
in reply to Ryan Mann

@progressivecat @FediTips

You could block an account yourself, but that wouldn't stop lies about vulnerable groups from being spread to others. The root problem is that Meta's moderation is just awful, and they don't seem to care. Their aim is to stir up "engagement" by encouraging conflict, which is literally getting people killed:

The worst part is, according to leaked secret memos, Facebook/Meta already knew in 2016 this would happen and didn't care:

The appropriate response to this pattern of behaviour is to defederate.

in reply to Ryan Mann

@progressivecat @FediTips
yes, it is quite easy to block individual accounts. That is what we should encourage. Let people take charge of their own timeline, we do not need people deciding for us what we are allowed to see.
in reply to Joshua Crawford

"Let people take charge of their own timeline, we do not need people deciding for us what we are allowed to see."

That's missing the point totally.

If someone is discrminated against, or abused, or beaten, or even killed... they can't opt out of that. There is no block button they can use to avoid those things happening to them in real life.

If we allow toxic lies to spread on social media, it leads to horrific things happening to innocent people in real life, people who may not even use social media at all:

These kinds of deadly lies need to be stopped at source.

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@progressivecat @FediTips
I did not miss the point at all. When you allow other people to dictate what is hate speech, discrimination, or any other disfavored speech, it inevitably turns into anything they dislike is hate speech.
It is not far from there that you end up with 19 year old's being charged with a felony because they left black marks on a rainbow painted sidewalk.
in reply to Joshua Crawford

" When you allow other people to dictate what is hate speech"

You think it is okay to call for someone's murder? You think calling for massacres isn't hate speech?

What is wrong with you? Have you lost all sense of humanity?

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

What is wrong with me? At what point did I state that it was okay to call for someone's murder?!! What is wrong with you that you feel the need to put such words in my mouth in an attempt to win a stupid argument?!!
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Finally, if your instance admin won't block #Threads, you can always move your account to an instance that does, such as the one I use, I moved here for that very reason.
in reply to Cătă

Yes, but there are questions about how effective that is. I forget the details, but I don't think a user-level block prevents #Threads from seeing your posts and presenting them to users if #Meta decides to misbehave. And one thing history teaches us is that Meta always misbehaves.
in reply to C++ Guy

Even if it was effective, all it would do is block that server for you. It wouldn't stop the hate and lies being spread to other people, which is the main problem.

Imagine if someone put up a billboard that had some awful racist lies on it (for example). Even if you managed to stop looking at the billboard, that isn't going to stop other people noticing it and some of them will believe the lies, maybe even spread them.

We can't approach bigotry as an issue of individual choice. Lies about vulnerable groups have to be stopped at source.

People are being murdered because of this:

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in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

but you can't remove the billboard from the internet, it's there and it's legal.
Also gab and truth and vk and instagram are out there.

The block will eventually arrive when they will try to spread shit to my server, but right now it's just fediverse can follow some of their US/Canada/Japan users.
You need to go search for them.

Also on fediverse i don't let everybody follow me, there's manual approve.

in reply to Luca Sironi

@luca @CppGuy @petrescatraian

Gab gave up trying to connect to the Fediverse because so many defederated it.

"...and it's legal."

Incitement to murder is illegal in many countries, but Meta just ignores these concerns and the fines imposed on it are usually so small compared to its income that it doesn't notice them.

in reply to C++ Guy

@C++ Guy well, on that note, Meta could even set a separate server as a honeypot of sorts and fetch the content to display it to their users and/or track us. Or they could simply set up one or a dozen web crawlers to fetch the data.

When you post things publicly in the wild, there's a lot that can happen, sadly. Remember we're talking about the same company that used shadow profiles in order to track unlogged users or people without a Facebook account.

@FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

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in reply to Cătă

that, plus blocking a server whose users can't follow me, is a waste of time and an ideological stance.

When it will be the case, IF it will be the case, i will think about it

in reply to Luca Sironi

in reply to C++ Guy

@CppGuy @luca @petrescatraian


If we want to keep control of the Fediverse we need to stop depending on any single server, and especially not a vast one owned by Meta.