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Items tagged with: astrodon

Phobos over Mars - Terra Cimmeria

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Colourised animation processing data from:
ESA Mars Express HRSC
Orbit: 14388
2015-05-05 T16:01:18 > T16:01:35.424Z
IDs: 5 Frames
HE388_0003_SR3 >>>> HE388_0007_SR3
1 frame added to make it smoother

Raw Data:
Processing: AndreaLuck CC BY

#Space #Astronomy #Mars #Astrodon #Spacetodon #Solarocks

Exciting space-discovery alert!

Gliese 12 b is an Earth-size planet orbiting in the temperate zone around a nearby, stable red dwarf star. It's a Rosetta Stone world that will tell us a lot about how many superficially earthlike planets actually have the right conditions for life.

Are we rare? Are we common? Let's find out. #space #science #astronomy #astrodon #life #aliens

The birth of a new, sunlike star is beautiful and spooky in this new image from Hubble. (34 years old and going strong!)

The ominous "mask" is a cloud of cool dust. The baby star HP Tau, top of the trio, is flickering madly due to inspiraling gas, jets, and huge starspots. #science #space #astronomy #astrodon #nature

ESA's Diretorate's of Science first newsletter is out! With news items on:

* the first Director of Science Town Hall
* our new research fellows in space science
* IRIS call for science planners
* Einstein Probe first light
* Conference Announcement: 22 Years of Integral
* Vacancy: LISA Science Operations Development Manager

+ some science highlights & conferences.


If you are a scientist or just interested in programmatic news, you can subscribe!


These mean looking sunspots are the cause of the strongest geomagnetic storm (G5 - Severe) in 20 years!

They are really huge, spanning about 16 Earth diameters. Auroras are happening now and probably will continue over the weekend.

Pic with a 2415mm focal length Dall-Kirkham telescope with a 2X Barlow, a Baader Astrosolar filter, and a bandpass infrared filter (850 nm).

#science #sunspots #sun #aurora #astrodon #astrophotography