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Items tagged with: 11ty

just realized i never shared this here:

it's a proof-of-concept showing what it would feel like to be able to style shadow dom openly using page stylesheets.

built with #11ty canary


everyone has been mobbing me trying to get these #11ty stickers and my Keep Building for the Web #eleventy shirt. We may need more security for #11tyConf

Finally moved from Eleventy 0.12 to 1.0.1, which I didnโ€™t really need to doโ€ฆbut I was curious how much work it would involve. Turns out: not much! Just two small wrinkles, one of which is Eleventy-related, the other a weird JavaScript inconsistency that was breaking my Images Responsiver config:

#11ty #eleventy

I just posted "The 11ty Bundle continues - A year in review" on my personal site. The saga continues. #11ty #eleventy @eleventy @robb @lene @raymondcamden @ashur @sandroroth @cassey

I want to pair with someone to try to understand how I can fix a few things on my site. Preferably with someone who knows more #11ty and #JS than I do. This might take an hour on a call. You don't have to turn video on.

In return, I'll curate a list of five recipes according to your food preferences. Or teach you something in photography or food!

#11ty #js

Omi. I released a new version of my #11ty Interlinker plugin fixing a bug someone had reported.

I then subsequently refactored the whole project and have begun down the rabbit hole of adding some missing features I have wanted for a while.


๐Ÿ“ New Post: Surfing The Web And Sharing What I Find

How I surf the web, manage my online bookmarks and share exciting hyperlinks with the community.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

โ€œYour #11ty order has been dispatchedโ€



As I delve into yet another data analytics project, I'm wondering what static site generators folks are using these days?

#webdev #staticsite #jekyll #hugo #11ty

๐Ÿ“ New Post: Deploying An 11ty Project To Shared Hosting

Forget the usual suspects for your website hosting. You should consider shared hosting for your next 11ty project.


#web #11ty #eleventy #webdev

Issue 40 of the 11ty Bundle blog is out: Another canary, Tolkien's 'eleventy', Transforms in the docs, Dev Server 2.0, eleventy-img beta, Validate your data, Embed everything, Two new starters, 11ty conference speakers...AND 3 releases, 7 posts, and 2 sites to see

#11ty #eleventy @eleventy #webdev

Made my first #11ty starter repo that integrates our design toolkit.


started to get a little chunky at 40k but itโ€™s still going ๐Ÿซฃ #11ty

In case you missed itโ€ฆ #11ty

Issue 39 of the 11ty Bundle is out: Another canary, Netlify redirects in your front matter, a speedlify question, just an 5 posts and 4 sites to see.

#11ty #eleventy @hamatti @[url=]Eleventy ๐ŸŽˆ v3.0.0-alpha.6[/url] #webdevelopment


Ditto on the pagefind recommendation. I wrote about how I added it to my #11ty static site.

Got bored with my old website design so I decided to make a new one. Tried to make it less boring, but I'm no designer, so I'm not sure if I succeeded.

I also wrote a short blog post about the update:

#personal #blog #webdesign #webdev #blogging #11ty

Issue 39 of the 11ty Bundle is out: Another canary, Netlify redirects in your front matter, a speedlify question, just an 5 posts and 4 sites to see.

#11ty #eleventy @hamatti @eleventy #webdevelopment

I did a thing and added lunr.js search to my #11ty site:

It was really straightforward to do (but only works with JS at the moment).


I completed the switch of my blog from #wordpress to #11ty this morning. It seems to be working so far. There may be weird lingering links to feed that still need to be redirected. Or maybe I'll just let them 404 and have the bots figure it out.

I wrote up a post talking about my process of migration. Hopefully this can be of use to anyone else who goes through the same journey, and will let you get going a bit faster than me.

@eleventy Thanks for that. I guess the RSS example was up there the whole time but the sub-tabs were too subtle for me. I have an RSS with all of the dumb cruft that podcast stuff expects like the silly itunes tags and such. If I clean it up and take out hardcoded values, is there a reasonable place to put it for reuse for those who specifically want #11ty to build a podcast feed?

I implemented a basic search function for my static website using #Elasticlunr.
I followed this article:
But I had to fix and improve a few points.
My biggest concern was to keep the search-index file small, while still searching the full text. I think splitting it in multiple parts and only loading what is needed would be a nice thing.
#eleventy #11ty

I will say that I am not stoked about how every #11ty thing that says it is RSS is actually Atom. They seem to think it doesn't matter but it does if you are using this for a podcast feed. Literally every example I have found for RSS templates are Atom so I guess I have to build this up field by field. Joy.

I can even understand choosing only to implement Atom but why then say it is RSS? If these distinctions don't matter to this crowd, maybe I am putting my eggs in the wrong basket.


Hey, all! On stream today we'll be making more updates to the Andromeda website, making use of Eleventy - check them out at @eleventy, and come hang out with us in chat!

#webdev #Eleventy #11ty #HTML #CSS #JavaScript

Hey, @zachleat, I'm reading and wondering if you've seen anybody hook #11ty up to an email newsletter?
