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Items tagged with: eMail

I see some people are really disappointed about Debian packaging a stripped-down version of KeePassXC. But hey, I actually wish there was also a minimal @thunderbird package without integrations of IRC or Matrix etc, just with core email functionality.

#Debian #Thunderbird #Email #Neomutt

WATCH Brandon and Josh from All Things Secured chat email security, encryption, privacy, and the best ways to protect yourself online 🔒 😎

What are your thoughts on their discussion? 💭 💭

Watch here 👉

#email #emailprivacy #encryption

I always forget to add the attachment to the email. 📧 😪

#comic #meme #email #smtp

I really appreciate Thunderbird's team, and these updates are going to finally put it into the running with other modern offerings. I migrated to using it as my daily driver for email management a few years ago, and I'm glad I did, but I'm also so excited to be looking at desktop improvements and an android app.

#Thunderbird #Email #EmailClient #OpenSource #Mozilla #Android #Software
