Items tagged with: mozilla
Open source licenses: Everything you need to know
#foss #floss #software #copyright #copyleft #gnu #license #mit #apache #mozilla #opensource #knowledge #knowhow
Open source licenses: Everything you need to know | TechCrunch
Ever wanted to know the difference between Apache 2.0 and MIT? Or permissive and copyleft open source licenses? Read on.Paul Sawers (TechCrunch)
Mozilla's New Partnership Adds Ecosia Search Engine as an Optional Default for Everyone
Ecosia is an interesting search engine that has been on a mission to plant trees with the revenue it makes. It claims to be a not-for-profit business.…
#news #tech #technology #security #privacy #mozilla #ecosia
Mozilla's New Partnership Adds Ecosia Search Engine as a Default Option for Everyone
A new default search engine option for everyone, in the form of a new partnership!Ankush Das (It's FOSS News)