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Items tagged with: mozilla

Mozilla AI Guide | A useful tool and education resource for those who want to learn more. #AI #Mozilla

@Rachel_Thorn β€œWhen someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

– Maya Angelou

* not-for-profit that owns a half-billion-dollar/year for-profit that gets that money primarily from one of the world’s prominent surveillance capitalists (Google).


I really appreciate Thunderbird's team, and these updates are going to finally put it into the running with other modern offerings. I migrated to using it as my daily driver for email management a few years ago, and I'm glad I did, but I'm also so excited to be looking at desktop improvements and an android app.

#Thunderbird #Email #EmailClient #OpenSource #Mozilla #Android #Software

Okay. As one of my attempts to make a viral post, let me make a poll:

Since you're probably on desktop, and using a browser to read this post, may I ask you: do you use vertical tabs or prefer horizontal ones?

#firefox #waterfox #vivaldi #chrome #mastodon #askmastodon #askfediverse #fediverse #browser #browsers #chrome #chromium #googlechrome #google #mozilla #sideberry #tst #treestyletabs #treestyletab #arc #arcsearch #arcbrowser #privacy

  • vertical tabs (3%, 1 vote)
  • horizontal tabs (54%, 17 votes)
  • I use vertical tabs via a browser extension (0%, 0 votes)
  • you can't ask me this :-) (0%, 0 votes)
  • neither (0%, 0 votes)
  • I'm not on desktop right now. (25%, 8 votes)
  • I'm using both horizontal and vertical tabs. (6%, 2 votes)
  • Yes I use vertical tabs in Firefox via Sideberry browser extension (0%, 0 votes)
  • Yes I use vertical tabs in Firefox via TST (Tree Style Tabs) browser extension. (0%, 0 votes)
  • I use vertical tabs as a built-in feature in Vivaldi (3%, 1 vote)
  • I use vertical tabs with Arc Browser (3%, 1 vote)
  • My browser that I use doesn't supports vertical tabs. (3%, 1 vote)
  • just let me view the poll results, very curious :-) (0%, 0 votes)
31 voters. Poll end: in 3 weeks

Aaand the #enshittification continues, wheeee~ #mozilla #AI

In the fast-paced world of generative AI, staying ahead means moving swiftly and smartly. ⏩

That's why we've embraced Gradio, the low-code prototyping toolkit from Hugging Face, as our go-to for bringing new ideas to life.

Thunderbird Email client Progresses with Exchange Compatibility

#thunderbird #mozilla #opensource #email

I don't like the mentioned #Mozilla stuff (like accounts and Sync).

Will this kind of features limited to the #Thunderbird version of the code base?
