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Items tagged with: fdroid

#NewPipe update: version 0.27.0 is available

🆕 comment replies
🆕 playlist descriptions
🆕 re-order custom playlists
🆕 reset settings

↗️ improved download checks
↗️ ask for consent before checking for updates
↗️ UI improvements
↗️ various player improvements

🐛 [YouTube] fixed comment extraction
🐛 [YouTube] fixed access to some streams
🐛 fixed crashes
🐛 fixed insecure backup import

:fdroid: The update is available through our custom #fdroid repo:

The ones I use the most would be #Vivaldi, #FairEmail and #Moshidon, followed by YR weather app.

Like the most would be #OrganicMaps, #NewPipe and #VLC, with #fdroid as a both yes and no, because the app itself is annoying to use (half of which is probably Android limitations), but I wouldn't want to depend on Google.

As Snikket is still not available on the #Google Play Store, we've published a longer blog post about the situation, how to work around it using #FDroid, and the long path of stupid Google review responses that led us here.

This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was just published :fdroid:

We talk about
- a new F-Droid / F-Droid Basic 1.20.0 alpha version for brave testers
- Breezy Weather was added as replacement for Geometric Weather
- HeliBoard can now replace OpenBoard
- Proton Pass was added. Unfortunately, it crashes at startup, so please be a bit patient until a fix is available.
- also, we got 1 app removal, 5 more additions and 113 updated


Just a heads-up that #Snikket #Android has been pulled by #Google from the store. We'll work on restoring it once we figure out their (as usual) nonsensical complaints. Apologies to everyone affected. Please look at #FDroid and free yourself.

Today's excuse for delisting yet another #XMPP app?

"Your app is uploading users' Image information without posting a privacy policy link or text within the Play Distributed App."

Funny. What's this then?? 👀

Three years ago, #FDroid had a similar kind of attempt as the #xz #backdoor. A new contributor submitted a merge request to improve the search, which was oft requested but the maintainers hadn't found time to work on. There was also pressure from other random accounts to merge it. In the end, it became clear that it added a #SQLinjection #vuln. In this case, we managed to catch it before it was merged. Since similar tactics were used, I think its relevant now

We are happy to announce that DAVx5 4.3.15 is now available (also on #fdroid @fdroidorg).

* Great parts have been rewritten to Compose and (will be finalized in 4.3.16)
* We've changed how we use various sync types, resulting in much less used system sync quota. This means a much more reliable scheduled background sync. Hope you enjoy the new version! 😀
