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Items tagged with: fedihelp

Also, apparently users can't change their password....😳

That's a completely different issue and for that I don't even know where to start....😬😩

Endpoint: i/change-password
Info: {"e":{"message":"incorrect password","code":"Error","id":"cf50413a-756b-43b5-a7f8-9e29c88b3d17"}}
Date: 2024-05-15T12:12:33.258Z

If anyone has any ideas on this, please get back to me. I'm so confused on this.😔

#Fedi #Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #FediHelp #FediAdmin

Been having a strange issue on the new Sharkey instance.

I have object storage on and it's going through my domain through cloudflare. However, sometimes the uploaded media goes to the and sometimes it goes to media.thesocialzone/file/<bucket>. I believe the 2nd one is correct but I'm not sure why it's going to a proxy folder. Could this be because I have the "proxy" setting on cloudflare for the object storage and I should turn that off? 🤔😬

If anyone knows anything and can offer advice, please let me know.

#Fediverse #Sharkey #Misskey #Fedi #FediHelp

Why does everything have to be confusing? Why can't stuff just "work"? 😩

Trying to setup Backblaze B2 with Sharkey and there's a "Base URL" option. I asked about it in the Sharkey discord and was told I could "CNAME a subdomain to the bucket". Which I know how to do 2/3 of that but once I enter the subdomain for CNAME, how do I link that to the bucket?

I kinda wish Mastodon didn't exist at this point with how straight forward everything is vs how not straightforward this has been so far.

I prefer the Misskey/Sharkey look, but I am SO spoiled by Mastodon's documentation.

#Sharkey #Fediverse #FediAdmin #FediHelp

Wordpress nerds! I am trying to figure out how to edit bits in code on their editor, but when I replace my navigation that looks like this, with my own html it won't show up.

What is this code? Css? What the heck?

#wordpress #FediHelp #BeginnerCoder
