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Items tagged with: fedi

FediTip of the day:

If your profile and posts are set to "public" and you can read this very post, you should have no sense of "privacy" here on Fedi. That means ANYONE can reply.

There's 20,000+ instances and new ones every day, there's NO WAY to tell who is accessing your posts or what they're doing with them.

Fediverse is not some kinda "bastion for privacy" nor is there any sort of "consent" required to see your posts if they are public.

The only way you can be 100% sure that your followers are the only ones that directly see your posts is to make your profile and posts private. Even then, screenshots exist.

Remember, you're on the internet. Once you post it, it's probably not going away. This is true everywhere.

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Sharkey #GoToSocial #IceShrimp #FireFish #Lemmy #Kbin #Misskey #Akkoma #Pleroma #Mangane #MastoTips #FediTips

I have lost SO many brain cells today by browsing the Fediverse tag.

I wonder how many of you work full-time for absolutely nothing and how do you do that?

Oh wait....that's 0.

Exactly 0 of you work full-time without pay, so why do you expect someone else to do that with a family to support?

That's asinine and ridiculous.

Mastodon devs have PLENTY to be criticized about. However, wanting to get paid for doing their jobs isn't one of them.πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

I'm so glad that there are leaders of this space that don't care what the lot of you dumbasses think, cause Fedi would fail if it was up to y'all.

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #ActivityPub #PeopleAreStupid

I gotta say, I never seen people HATE the platform they're on and don't want it to succeed as much as Fedi users hate Fedi.

It's kinda weird. Ngl. There's even an account with 200k+ followers called Fedi.Tips spreading hate towards Fedi possibly succeeding. It's wild.

I fear for the platform's future because of its userbase and that's not something I'd ever think I would say.

#Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #Mastodon

Still waiting for a *good* Fedi app for iOS that isn't stuck on Mastodon...😩

Been wanting to migrate to Sharkey for awhile now because Mastodon Gmbh refuse to add any useful moderation features for some weird reason. (Completely manual moderation in 2024 is inexcusable)

However, I access Fedi mostly from my iPhone and the only app I could find is Sora and it's not my cup of tea.πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

#Fediverse #Sharkey #Mastodon #Fedi #iOS #iPhone

Is it just me, or are there more users that aren't logging in regularly than there are registering?

Like we have an abandonment issue or an absolutely MASSIVE false activity reporting issue....😬

Doesn't feel so "alive" here these days.

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialMedia

Yikes....I Issued a Fediblock recommendation for obvious spam activity from a single user instance that follows 48k accounts after joining 3 days ago.

Only a very small number of instances have actually blocked the account so you might wanna do it yourself as a user-level block.


Fedi moderation is slipping...😬😳

#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon #Spam #Block #Bot

Content warning: Fediblock Recommendation: Transphobic Comment

Content warning: Fediblock recommendation, disingenuous activity

Some people get replies and just do not engage at all....

Like, what is the point of posting to social media if you're not even gonna be SOCIAL?!?πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Especially Fedi, cause it's not like we have some dumb ad service that pays you for views...You ain't making money here unless you're posting off-platform links to buy stuff.

I just don't get it. It's social media. Not "shout to the void and ignore everyone" media.πŸ™„

#Fediverse #Meta #Fedi #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Sharkey #Misskey #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #GoToSocial #Friendica #Peertube #PixelFed #Hubzilla #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #SocialMedia #Threads #Facebook #Instagram #Twitter #Myspace #Digg #Youtube

Overall I'm really happy with my Fedi presence. I DO miss people sometimes. But that's life.😬in terms of my presence here though, I'm very pleased that I (somehow) managed to get a few hundred followers and converse with a good number of folks regularly. What else could I want? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜

#Fedi #Fediverse #AvtivityPub #Mastodon

I like that bigger platforms like Flipboard are starting to federate. Though, with a supposed 150m+ accounts, its kinda strange that I don't get much boosted to my timeline....

I guess there isn't much on Flipboard that's within my interests...πŸ€” πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

#Fedi #Fediverse #Flipboard #ActivityPub

According to Flipboard Co-founder and CEO, Mike McCue, Flipboard will allow users to follow ActivityPub accounts in the coming weeks!

Exciting news considering that Flipboard has over 150m members!😁

The future of social media is now.

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Flipboard

And here it is, the dark pattern at work....this threads integration is starting to go badly already....πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ™„

edit: and here's a threads engineer purposefully misconstruing the definition of dark patterns in a reply to me. 🀬

#Fedi #Fediverse #Threads #EEE #Meta #ActivityPub

For the strong believers in consent #fedi instead of harassment, threats and outrage and attempting to bully devs why not use a platform that actually provides #privacy #permissions #security ? You want to use #Mastodon and create these social pressures as opposed to truly protecting yourself. There’s a way to do it without helping feed the negative reputation of Mastodon and making this place appear hostile. Make the switch and talk to #admins to make the move to #Hubzilla #Streams #fediverse

HIGHLY recommend Fediblock for user '' as they're tagging random users and spamming porn with no CW. Receipts attached in the screenshot.

Edit: The whole instance is Freeze Peach. Toss it in the trash.

#Fediblock #Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin
