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Items tagged with: Biomass


Items tagged with: Biomass

Urgent Action: Stop Disastrous Decision to Extend Drax’s Subsidies

The Government has just made the disastrous decision to hand billions more in subsidies to tree burners #Drax and Lynemouth. This is a decision to push up emissions, energy bills and profits for Drax’s shareholders. Rather than listening to the science, the Government is pouring billions more into the economic black hole of Drax.

While this decision is disappointing, it is not the end of this campaign. The fight to end dirty tree burning, and to transition to genuinely #CleanEnergy and #GreenJobs is far from over.

We need our MP’s to take action in Parliament and do everything they can to put a stop to this reckless decision. Please take the time today to make it clear to this Government and your MP that we will not stand by and allow them to pour our money into forest destruction and #pollution.

Write to your MP today:…

#Trees #Biomass #Climate #Nature #Environment #AxeDrax #CleanEnergy