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Items tagged with: CANpoli

Many refugees seeking safety in Canada end up in shelters for months - #Calgary

> Many #refugees seeking safety in #Canada have little money with them and just the clothes on their back. The Centre for Newcomers says it is seeing a large increase in refugee claimants in Calgary. As Jayme Doll reports, some of them – including expectant mothers-- are ending up in homeless shelters. #migration #housongcrisis #CANpoli #CDNpoli #poverty #homelessness

Trudeau testified that Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson are funded and amplified by Russians intent on destabilizing democracy.

Don't ignore this.

#cdnpoli #canpoli

Ottawa considering lower threshold for issuing alerts on foreign interference, inquiry hears

"Sutherland said the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol Panel has started its work leading up to the next election and has already met five times. The Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) task force is already up and operating, he added."

#News #Elections #CanPoli #Politics

Reading this article I blew a big raspberry and then snorted at Pierre Poilievre's Promise. Once again 3P makes a campaign speech in Parliament yet provides zero plans to make his Dreamland come true. He is once again all bluster and bullshit.

"Poilievre makes case for taking down the government to restore 'promise of Canada'
Bloc Québécois and NDP have already said they will not support non-confidence motion"

#News #PierrePoilievre #Canpoli