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Items tagged with: Camping

On Fri I sneaked out of VIP TFR and flew to New Cuyama, CA (L88) #flyin. Enjoyed fancy group dinner at Cuyama Buckhorn (excellent food) while Blue Sky Center hosted on-airport camping and movie night ("Only Angles Have Wings"). Next day I flew via Cajon Pass into Riverside, CA Flabob Airport (RIR) to Low&Slow flyin. Camped and ate well. On Sun marine layer lingered until 11 and short five hours later I was home. Fun was over, back to work.

#pilot #aviation #flying #avgeek #pilotlife #camping

Near Ouarzazate, me and @cobic have just met Czech cyclist Mirek and Slovenian cyclist Katya, who travel all around the world on their bicycles and live on the road and work as artists. I have introduced them to Mastodon and they are now @Cyclingnomads on our #fcz instance...

So if you want Cycling Nomads in Fediverse instead of just on Facebook and Instagram, don't hesitate and follow @Cyclingnomads !

#travel #cycling #nomad #nomads #morocco #africa #thesuntrip2024 #bike #camping #travel

Measuring with your finger how long until sunset.

Each average finger is 15 minutes thick!

#hiking #ThruHiking #camping

Taking today and tomorrow off from property hunting to do a little hiking and visiting some of my favorite spots. This is Sleeping Ute Mountain in the far SW corner of Colorado My campsite view for this evening. (Phone photo.)

#Camping #Mountain #Canyon #Desert
