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Items tagged with: CatsofFediverse

Caturday snoozing demonstration with Smudge, the extra large kitten, and Mr Orange Pants. I'm so glad the orange boy finally gets the feline companionship he's been missing for years. Sumu, who is the same age as the orange boy, can't stand him anymore. #caturday #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #cats #TabbyCat #OrangeCat

Well, I was off social media for 2 months and came back to find that my instance closed down, I was locked out of my account and lost all my followers and media 😭 so it looks like I’m starting all over again 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is my new account and if you followed us before we would love to have you back. Into cats of course and photography 🩷

#NewInstance #CatsOfMastodon #Photography #BengalCat #Cats #CatsOfFediverse

Joey, pictured here, invented a ritual for when I Ieave the house. There used to be a lot of stress and he would try to get out the door with me. Now, we have a routine, and he invented it: Whenever he sees I'm about to leave (I put my laptop in my backpack, put on a coat or just say goodbye), he goes to the front door and lies on the mat. I then drag it to the middle of the room, a ride he enjoys, and he stays there looking at me like this while I leave. #catsofmatsodon #cats #CatsOfFediverse