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Items tagged with: GDPR

Nu har jag ett utkast till Stockholms Stads Dataskyddsombud om problematiken med verksamheter som nyttjar Facebook och Instagram som den främsta informationskällan om vad som händer i deras verksamheter.

Ni är välkomna att ge feedback innan 19e maj, då jag avser att skicka iväg den kort därefter.

[Stadens informationspublicering på Facebook / Instagram hotar medborgarnas integritet.](

#integritet #dataskydd #GDPR

As an EU citizen, I'm using my right to deletion to get #StackOverflow to remove my data for me.

Here is the link to the form:

I requested a copy of my data for my personal backup and to confirm if they fulfilled my request. #GDPR

Edit: As people noted in the replies, this will probably not remove your questions or answers, but only your profile. I'm going to edit with my result once they have fulfilled my request.

Somebody has filed a #GDPR complaint against #OpenAI, because they are unable to correct false personal data that is produced by #ChatGPT.
This should be interesting to watch.

@eliasr @maria @dfri @khalid @axbom

Khalle, det går väl att lägga cryptpad länken för redigering här för @maria med fler?
Som jag förstår det behövs det:
- klagomål till DSO
- anmälan till IMY (även om de inte verkar ta #GDPR seriöst p.g.a. överbelastade av manuell hantering så kan det ge medial uppmärksamhet)
- förslag till politiker som vill samlas och driva frågan ihop
- mall för bättre policy i kommuner, regioner och myndigheter

Bra för opinionsbildning? Något jag missar?😃

📣📣 Good News Alert 📣📣

The US might get their own GDPR: the American Privacy Rights Act! 🔐🇺🇸

It will strengthen #privacy protections of both Americans & people around the world. 🔐🙏🏼


#americanprivacy #gdpr #privacymatters

Talks and promotions of (Language-)Exchange programs.
And also on how to make the #EU more independent in regards to big tech companys(especially those that violate the #GDPR).
#EU #gdpr

Well, the topic I disliked the most is your plan to compromise the online safety, security and privacy of all 450 million Europeans with the plans to scan their devices. In addition, you are not open and transparent enough about these plans, as most of those 450 million do not know you are working on this. You know it does not work and that is in violation with human rights, yet you keep pushing. Why? #CSAM #CSS #Encryption #Security #Privacy #GDPR

🚨 Breaking via Politico: #GDPR #BREAKING:

The EDPB takes the view that "large online platforms" like Meta cannot rely on a "pay or okay" system to get "freely given" consent. [Details to follow]

First noyb statement:

You should be able to exercise your #GDPR #DataRights directly in the chat prompt. “I want to access all the personal data you have on me after your verify my identity” “ok thanks, now delete it from your model, and untrain yourself on it” #SyntheticMedia #ChatGPT