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Items tagged with: Indieweb

Hello! Just a reminder that if you followed my old Scribbles blog via RSS, please adjust your RSS reader to follow my new Hugo blog RSS feed:

Thank you!

EDIT: fixed the feed to exclude sections like "About", "Blogroll", etc.

#RSS #indieweb #blogging

"cool as heck" blog update! Added Now, Uses, and Blogroll pages.

#indieweb #blogging

I'd like to create a /Listening page on my blog, and embed a "now playing" widget, as well as a listening history. 🤔


After a few days of exploring and tinkering with a couple different static site generators, I've decided to go with #Hugo. It's hosted on Github Pages. I'm in the process of moving old posts from Scribbles over there. It's pretty bare bones for now but I'll be learning, customizing, and adding more in the coming weeks and months.

New RSS feed:

#blogging #indieweb #staticsitegenerator

More Thoughts on AI and LLMs in Search


I had such a great chat with @mike on his Dot Social podcast, where we talked about the future of the web and why I'm a web optimist, why everyone should be a blogger, digital ownership, and decentralized social media.

The full episode is available here and on PeerTube/YouTube/the usual podcast feeds!

#fediverse #openweb #dweb #indieweb #POSSE

If you like cool looking #indieweb sites then look no further than @johnnydecimal site

Great to hear @molly0xfff's thoughts on not just the fediverse but lots of #dweb and #indieweb technology.
The points about UX are so right, been thinking about this a lot.
Portability, attribution and ownership are also key
Thank you @mike and the @Flipboard team for producing these #dotsocial podcasts

Google Gemini and Unsustainable LLMs


The fabulous @chrisburnell has an eleventy plugin that caches webmentions
#11ty #11tyconf #indieweb #webmentions

Face Status and More


Why you should start blogging in 2024

#blogging #indieweb

Truly an assault on the internet we've all helped build.

- "Dear Stack Overflow denizens, thanks for helping train OpenAI's billion-dollar LLMs"
- "Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models":
- "WordPress and Tumblr will sell user data to train AI models:

#IndieWeb #internet #TheWeb #ai #llms #capitalism #enshittificaton

To follow through on my pledge to do more of my #internet reading on the #indieweb, I've been visiting random blogs using this site and adding any interesting ones to an #RSS feed.

My intention is to browse this feed much the same way I would the news -call it a self-care practice. I want to spend more time in reflection and less in panic. I also want to get ideas for, perhaps, my own blog someday.

#tech #smallweb #smolweb #blogging #bloggingcommunity

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't or unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 14:

#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage

“Own Your Web – Issue 10: Links Worth Sharing” by @matthiasott


> many of us seem to instinctively drop most of the interesting links we find right into the timelines of the many – oh, so many! – social media silos. With the recent revival of personal websites and blogs, however, a lot of people are rediscovering a more thoughtful and persistent alternative: sharing links on their personal…

#links #IndieWeb
