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Items tagged with: Safety

In Vox, I explained how federal policy encourages car bloat, making American vehicles more enormous, polluting, and dangerous than they'd otherwise be.

That's the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

#cars #safety #policy

Gun reform advocate Walter Mikac celebrates 'bittersweet' win on 28th anniversary of family's death at Port Arthur #auslaw #auspol #guncontrol #health #safety

#UK: "#Smart" #motorways as a #danger for road #safety:

"The technology behind England's smart motorway network stops working on a regular basis, the #BBC has discovered.

Figures obtained by Panorama have revealed hundreds of incidents when crucial safety equipment was out of action.

National Highways - which maintains major routes in England - says "smart motorways are our safest roads".

After CPAP #Recall, Philips Must Institute New Safeguards in Agreement With #DOJ

The settlement comes nearly 3 years after the company acknowledged that an industrial foam fitted inside its machines could degrade and release toxic substances into #patients' masks.

#Health #HealthCare #CPAP #Asthma #Sleep #Safety #News