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Items tagged with: Scicomm

#PPOD: This stunning image was captured by red sprite photographer Paul M Smith, who also layered in some of the brightest meteors seen during the peak of the Perseids meteor shower this year. The images were all taken during the same evening in the same location and stacked together to create a beautiful photograph. Credit: Paul M Smith Photography

#photography #nature #scicomm #sciart #science

Bees have brains just the size of poppy seeds, yet they can do so much! These black and yellow critters are famous for being nature’s hardest workers, but they are also expert navigators, communicators, and decision-makers. Maybe something so small can help us think bigger about what the brain is capable of.

Read more in this week's post by Serena Chen:

#sciComm #neuroscience #bee #brain

β€œThe loss of science on #Twitter is a contemporary mass extinction event”, says Professor Edward #Holmes, who recently was awarded the prestigious Croonian Medal by the Royal Society. He has also deleted his Twitter account recently. β€œTwitter used to be THE place where you shared ideas, data, preprints and papers. Now it’s a post-Apocalyptic hell hole.” #scicomm
