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Items tagged with: drm

DRM : « We make true the joke ‘books have ceased working’ »

Slogans for our present.
#DRM #books #ebooks

They say "rights," we say "restrictions" #DRM are not for your digital /rights/, they are /restrictions/ imposed on you. Celebrate your own intellect by staying away from DRM. Learn more about DRM-free living at

Just found the post from @pluralistic recalling his 2004 talk about #DRM at Microsoft Research. Reminded me of the two years I spent before that working for Nokia on industry standards for DRM in the old Open Mobile Alliance. We soon learned why the MS guys stood at the back of the room chuckling (and why Apple never attended)

#Linux's New #DRM #Panic "Blue Screen of Death" In Action


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With Linux 6.10 the initial DRM Panic code has landed as well as wiring up the DRM/KMS driver support for the SimpleDRM, MGAG200, IMX, and AST drivers.

#bluescreen #bug #software #news #floss #foss #kernel #error