Items tagged with: drm
Strip the DRM from your Kindle books, simple effective, free, online
DeDRM tools
This is an online version of DeDRM tools, providing a convenient way to use DeDRM
this is why i unapologetically strip #DRM off every single book i can't buy without it. either sell me a book i own, or be a spotify library, but we expect shit we buy today to be available to us tomorrow.
or at least we used to before 1984 vanished from everyone's kindles a few years ago!
kobo's store has a lot of technical/non-fiction DRM free, edit: gumroad too. i actually don't know the current state of Kindle cracking is, tho i don't own one.
#Amazon's #eBooks lose #USB #copy function
So Amazon wants you to have to buy all eBooks again with a new eBook reader. Nice new #profit in digital #capitalism.
#DRM #Copyright #fail #consumer #customer #economy #digital #news #ebook #hardware #software #problem
I spotted this on an #Amazon page for a book and had a brief hope that they might have started literally meaning "any device" and distributing #EPUB or something "open".
Alas, no, it's not "any device", it's "any device we support the Kindle app on"... which is not the same thing.
The #DRM #Kindle ecosystem is not free and open like a real book is.