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Items tagged with: information

#Recherche autour de cette #photo

#sculpture #Palestine #Gaza #guerre #art
Je sais que cette #œuvre a été réalisée par un #sculpteur palestinien à partir de #débris de bâtiments bombardés, mais j'aimerais en savoir plus sur cet artiste. Quelqu'un a-t-il des #informations ?

#Research around this #photo
#sculpture #Palestine #Gaza #war #art
I know this #work was made by a Palestinian #sculptor from #debris of bombed buildings, but I'd like to know more about this artist. Does anyone have any #information?

Across species and even domains of living organisms, cells seem to be exchanging information, sending messages encoded in RNA. Microbiologists are probing a molecular communications system that was invisible till now. From @quantarss:


Not everything is intended or deserves to be preserved. Archiving is difficult with decisions on what's a public document, what's in the public interest.

The Wayback Machine catalogues all sorts of URLs including social media posts on the one hand and leaves off important sites on the other.

I support the Internet Archive but there are issues.

We're Losing Our Digital History. Can the Internet Archive Save It?

#Archive #Internet #Information #Web @histodons