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Items tagged with: lepen

The #FarRight loves Putin, money, and power without control.

They are on the rise around the world.

#Democrats and #Expats have a job to do. We have a moral obligation to stop them in the #US.

That's our reality. We may not like it. Our grandparents didn't. They preserved #Democracy anyway.

Now it's our turn.

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#LePen #Biden #USPolitics

A tumultous few days in French politics as parties scramble to team up ahead of the elections on June 30. The leader of the country's mainstream conservative party, Les Républicains, announced an agreement with the Marine Le Pen's RN. No mainstream party has ever aligned itself with the far-right and it's seen as a historic break for Les Républicans, with the party's ties to former President Charles de Gaulle.
#France #Ciotti #LePen

Looks like the troll factories have drawn blood in the #EUElections. The main benficiary here, of course, is #Putin and #Russia.

"#Macron calls shock #French elections after #FarRight rout by #LePen...

"...In a high-risk political gamble, less than two months before #Paris hosts the #Olympics, he said lower house elections would be called for June 30, with a second-round vote on July 7..."

#News #France #Europe #Fascism #NationalRally #RassemblementNational #Ukraine