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Items tagged with: python

  • Yes. (13%, 2 votes)
  • No, but I tried it. (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, I’ve never tried it. (60%, 9 votes)
  • Haven’t tried, want to. (26%, 4 votes)
15 voters. Poll end: in 5 days

The one reason why I want to learn #Python is so that I could program my computer to copy my social media posts and just stuff them into my #Obsidian Daily Note automatically. Ambitious or impossible? lol

#Programming #Coding

Hello! I'm looking for some documentation about #GTK, more specifically #GTK4 and its #Python bindings.

I would like to develop a very simple UI, with:

- full screen mode activated by default
- a blurred picture as a background
- some text on the right of the screen

Thanks in advance, Fediverse! :)


Developers who use or contribute to Flask, Click, Jinja, or other parts of Pallets, designers who work atop them, and sysadmins who administer them:

Consider proposing a 5-15 min talk for the inaugural FlaskCon!

Some topics you might consider:

case studies
your experience as a newbie

FlaskCon will be in Pittsburgh on May 17th within #Python #PyCon2024

freeCodeCamp's open-source mobile app is an online learning platform offering a comprehensive curriculum in #web development and machine learning. The curriculum is self-paced and available free of charge. The App includes challenges, tutorials, Code Radio, and podcasts.
Contribute to freeCodeCamp:


#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #Coding #Education #freeCodeCamp #OSS #Podcasts #python #Flutter #JavaScript #iOS

Related to above #macOS question, tangents:

#Python env management. I’m told PDM is current state-of-the-art, Hatch also good, `uv` if you're not allergic to VC money, Poetry if you can stomach its bug surface, or the evergreen "just use pip-tools”.

Or use a polyglot tool like `mise` (fka `rtx`) or `asdf` (or haha-only-joking-unless, Determinate System's #Nix installer + flakes).

Also curious about #Rust on macOS arm64, even though that's getting ahead of myself.

Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.

In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.

He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.

#accessibility #Python #jupyter

The #PHP Foundation, alongside other #OpenSource organizations including the #Apache Software Foundation, #Blender Foundation, #OpenSSL Software Foundation, #Python Software Foundation, #Rust Foundation, and #Eclipse Foundation, announced today a collaborative initiative aimed at establishing common cybersecurity standards in alignment with the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA):

A cybersecurity researcher finds that 20% of software packages recommended by GPT-4 are fake, so he builds one that 15,000 code bases already depend on, to prevent some hacker from writing a malware version.

Disaster averted in this case, but there aren't enough fingers to plug all the AI-generated holes 😬

#AIethics #Cybersecurity #GPT #OpenAI #LLM #GenAI #GenerativeAI #Python #NodeJS #Ruby #Golang

Today is my final trip in to #Textual Towers, and my final day working on Textual as my day job:

PS: Yes, I am looking for a new position, so do let me know if you know of anything suitable. :-)

#Python #Terminal
