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Items tagged with: renewableenergy

I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who has solar panels on their roofs who has wasted quite some time in the mornings watching the magic of the power coming on.

This smugness is matched by looking back at a bell curve graph of production for the day where you've used up almost everything that the panels have produced and yet drawn almost nothing from the grid.

#renewableenergy #solarpower #pv #solardiverter #evs

A major US state just achieved a critical milestone for nearly two weeks: 'It's wild that this isn't getting more news coverage'

"#California has set a benchmark for #RenewableEnergy, with wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal supplying 100% of the state's electricity demand for 25 out of the last 32 days (and counting)."

If anyone is interested, here's our solar data for March, here in Winchester, VA.

#SolarPower #RenewableEnergy

Over a year old and still little progress

Eight things the world must do to avoid the worst of #ClimateChange
1. Stop burning #FossilFuels
2. Stop methane emissions
3. Stop deforestation
4. Restore degraded land
5. Change what we eat
6. Go #RenewableEnergy
7. Use energy more efficiently
8. #ActNow