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Items tagged with: statedepartment

…The #StateDepartment said Sullivan’s decades-long career in the #ForeignService were “exemplary” & Vance’s “unfounded criticism against her work do not accurately reflect her #service to our country.”…

…At the height of his campaign, #JDVance placed holds on >30 nominees for Senate-confirmed positions at the #StateDepartment. The effect of a hold slows the confirmation process & forces the party in power to call for individual votes instead of the faster method of moving nominations through unanimous consent. The delay leaves vacancies at embassies that are filled temporarily by lower-level officials….

#Hate #discrimination #FarRight #extremism #NationalSecurity #democracy #BidenHarris2024

Before #JDVance became #Trump’s pick for VP, he was known in the most powerful offices of the #StateDepartment as the single biggest obstacle to confirming career ambassadors in the #Senate.

Armed w/a questionnaire on hot-button social issues about gay & lesbian rights, gender transition care & hiring practices related to diversity, equity & inclusion, Vance held up for more than a year the noms of dozens of diplomats assigned to serve in posts across the MiddleEast, Africa & LatinAmerica.

…The #StateDepartment said the #Biden admin stands by its efforts to “ensure that every person, everywhere, can live #free from #violence & #discrimination, with their #EqualRights respected.” The WhiteHouse has vowed to push back against the #GOP’s anti-woke efforts, including by repealing a provision in a government spending bill that essentially bans #rainbow #Pride flags from being flown above #US #embassies.

#Hate #FarRight #extremism #NationalSecurity #democracy #BidenHarris2024