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"Former president #BillClinton, speaking during the third night of the #Democratic convention on Wednesday, presented a bit of data...

“Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, #America has created about 51 million new #jobs... What’s the score? Democrats 50, Republicans one.”

That is: 50 million jobs added under Democratic presidents and 1 million under #Republicans."

- @pbump

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

in reply to Zhi Zhu 🕸️

“There have been six presidents since 1989, three from each party. Under the three #Democrats — #Clinton, Barack #Obama and Joe #Biden — there was a cumulative increase of 50 million more people working between the starts of their terms and the ends. Under the three #Republicans — George H.W. #Bush, George W. Bush and Donald #Trump — the cumulative total was, in fact, only 1 million.”

#DNC #DNC2024 #FactCheck #Jobs #Business #US #USA #USNews #Politics #USPol #News

in reply to Zhi Zhu 🕸️

"If we extend the point backward a bit further, to the end of #WorldWarII, the difference is still striking. Each party has had seven presidents since that time, with 88 million #jobs added under #Democrats and 32 million under #Republicans."

#Facts #Employment #Politics #USPol #US #USA #USNews #News #Work #Workers

in reply to Zhi Zhu 🕸️

that's because Republicans are good for the economy, right?
in reply to pgcd


You left out the </s> sarcasm label at the end of your statement. 😉

"that's because Republicans are good for the economy, right? </s>"

Though I suppose if you want to really lean into the software symbology, you'd use <s> at the beginning and </s> at the end.

"<s>that's because Republicans are good for the economy, right?</s>"

But that's getting really picky. 😄

(Don't mean to offend. Sarcasm can be hard to project/detect online.)

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