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I'm sure it's not massively known quite yet, so I'll mention them again:

There's a Fedi scraper on multiple instances that's been here for about 6 months now. It won't go away.

Search for "Awakari" on your instance and block/report every account with the same profile pic, as a data scraper.

I've posted about them 7 or 8 times now because they've made multiple instances to ban evade. Those instances include,, and

The owner is

Just thought I should keep mentioning them for the new users that haven't blocked them yet, as Mastodon Gmbh seems content with allowing them to operate from their instance.

#Fediblock #Fedi #Fediverse #Scraper #Mastodon

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Fedi Jedi :jedi:

@fedijedi no problem, friend.

I got into a huge argument with the owner when it was first found because he thinks that following the users hes scraping gives him a pass...๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

If any of my followers are selling my posts without giving me a cut, I'm damn sure gonna get mad cause I don't even make anything off of my craziness!

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

so pathetic you're on duty to chase another fediverse service daily and nightly. Is it a paid business?
in reply to akurilov

@akurilov nah, just an obligation to help my fellow Fedi friends to avoid having their data sold without permission or compensation. ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„

BeAware :fediverse: reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:


These posts are public, everything is public here, anyone could use this data for any purpose.

Usually when people talk about privacy violation, it is about selling personal data, like legal name, email, home address, private encrypted messages, etc. Stuff that is highly sensitive and pretty much wasn't intended to be known by anyone except a certain party.
If you don't want to make your posts available for everyone, there is a simple solution - stop using public social networks ๐Ÿง

in reply to Owl!๐Ÿฆ‰

@lonelyowl normal users don't expect that their followers would be the ones selling their data.
in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

Then "normal users" have a twisted understanding of the word "public". You make a post, don't put any restrictions on it, you don't encrypt it, it is visible to EVERYONE, but you don't expect it to be scraped for by a stranger, for some reason. This kind of brainrot is responsible for a fact that we don't have a normal bsky bridge...
in reply to Owl!๐Ÿฆ‰

@lonelyowl nah. I said followers for a reason. Are you selling my posts?

The enemy I know as my friend feels worse than the enemy I don't know at all.

As you can tell, I'm very public. I don't have worries. But others do.

If I set my account to approve follows and actually approve a follower, that's not permission to sell the posts, I think.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

@lonelyowl though, since I have your permission, I'll let you know when I find a buyer, so I can give you your 0% commission.๐Ÿ˜‚
in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

No problem, dude, i'm an anti-copyright extremist anyway, you can assume all my stuff is public domain ๐Ÿ™‚
in reply to Owl!๐Ÿฆ‰

@lonelyowl me too, but it's just strange to think of allowing someone into your circle explicitly and expecting them to do things with your posts.

In that sense, even private posts could be sold because they allowed a follower.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

Well, scraping someone's follower-only posts is indeed a dubious thing. From one perspective, it is worth mentioning that "follower-only" posts are in fact not protected, they are broadcasted to everyone anyway, and could be made public by a pleroma mrf policy (like the one is using).
From other perspective it is a rather bad behavior. Anyway, stop assuming your posts here to be "protected", it is dumb and, honestly, dangerous.

You still can block people and instances if you don't like them for whatever reason, though.

BeAware :fediverse: reshared this.

in reply to Owl!๐Ÿฆ‰

sure, that's why I'm posting about it. So that those that find this behavior dubious can easily block them.

Just helping others who may not BeAware such things are possible.

People cannot block stuff they're unaware of.

Furthermore, block evasion is against MANY instances rules.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

BeAware :fediverse: reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

Don't forget to also mention that their posts are public, and they should keep that in mind before posting anything, otherwise bad things could happen ๐Ÿง
in reply to Owl!๐Ÿฆ‰

@lonelyowl I've said that hundreds of times, no?๐Ÿ˜‚

If you haven't seen them, I urge you to search my posts. I have at least a few dozen.

in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@Shoesmithlc @lonelyowl especially the ones with follower approvals and followers only posts.

This strategy could allow those posts to be sold.

in reply to Jim Spath

@jspath55 as a user? Or an admin?

I ask because historically, domain blocks by normal users have proven to be just a "mute".

I've seen several times where a person posted "I have blocked xxx domain!" And then in the replies, people from that exact domain wondering how they could see and reply to the post..๐Ÿ˜ฌ

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

@jspath55 if they(โ€œuserโ€ from TRON! Lmao). Go to the server of ther account and just block unknowns everything. It clean up so much junk.
in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@jspath55 yes ! It doesnโ€™t resolve the crap that on that said domain and the admin should handle it. But stop the bitching from the โ€œuserโ€ lmao
in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@Shoesmithlc @jspath55 the issue is, users might get the impression that it completely protects their posts from being seen and interacted with by the "blocked" domain. However, that's not the case.

It's like if you hate elephants, but are put into a room full of elephants with a blindfold and earmuffs on. You may not know they're there, but they are.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

@jspath55 ha the only way to be protected is to unplug and stay off the grid. God dam all I see is TRON
in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@Shoesmithlc @egg @jspath55

I can't fight for you.

However, I can help you to BeAware of the things I am Aware of, so that you can make your own choices and possibly fight for yourself.๐Ÿ‘

in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@Shoesmithlc @egg @jspath55 of course not. You just may not have your fingers on the trigger like admins and some of us on single user instances.

We are responsible for ourselves and users so we have to be on the lookout all the time.

I enjoy such things. Hence the name BeAware๐Ÿ˜‰

Most people don't have the time, nor want the responsibility and that's perfectly fine.

BeAware :fediverse: reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

@mike hi Mike, I think you might want to know that the owner of a widely blocked scraper is using your instance to block evade. His username is at the bottom of the post aboveโ˜๏ธ.

He replied to this very post before blocking me.

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

in reply to ShoesmithLC :virginia_badge:

@Shoesmithlc haha. I've been posting about this particular one for months and the owner keeps block evading so I feel an obligation to stay on top of it.

Hes actually an idiot because he keeps replying to me directly. Giving himself away.๐Ÿ˜…

in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

I mean, there are ways to opt out, and it seem's like a sort of bridge between the Fediverse and Telegram, so, as you said so yourself:

Any implementation that's "opt-in" is dead at the start because we can't teach everyone a lesson.

yep....that's what we get for allowing the mass misinformation across Fedi when BridgyFed was announced regarding "opt-in" crap.

Any implementation that's "opt-in" is dead at the start because we can't teach everyone a lesson. That's not how this technology is supposed to work.

If every new implementation starts becoming opt-in, Fedi dies.

#Fedi #Fediverse #BridgyFed #BlueSky #ActivityPub

in reply to Exerra :wee:

@exerra Legitimate businesses don't make new domains when they're blocked and normal users here don't expect that their followers would sell their posts....unless you do?๐Ÿคจ
in reply to BeAware :fediverse:

in reply to Exerra :wee:

@exerra and that's fine that you're fine with it.

I'm mostly also fine with it.

However, despitebour values, neither of us can say what other people value. So I make sure to help others BeAware of such things so they can make their own choices.

Especially when, as you said, this one in particular is not complying with people's normal expectations of consent here.
Unfortunately, my interactions with the owner and the fact that they're block evading on purpose, make me feel like he won't do the right thing and respect others' wishes.

People have an expectation here of control over where their data goes. I agree, it's a bit dubious when there's 20,000+ instances here. Though, when they make themselves known directly on Fedi with such nonconsensual practices, people should BeAware of their existence.
