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Well hello #mastodon. I deactivated my #bluesky account b/c of reply guy sea lioning and antagonism toward Black women experts there. Very bummed about it b/c I invested a lot in growing my followers there, made some great connections, and believe it’s exponentially better than the site formally known as #Twitter. I might go back, I don’t know but the #moderation tools weren’t addressing my needs. Guess I’ll try again to learn this place 👋🏽

#socialmedia #migration #BlackFedi #blackmastodon

in reply to Sarah J. Jackson

Welcome back! 👋

As others have probably suggested to you already, @FediTips and the website at:

...are great resources.

in reply to Sarah J. Jackson

Definitely need a reminder or primer on how to make this place work, please share if you have one 🙏🏽 I know yall are big on #hashtags 😉
in reply to Sarah J. Jackson

Welcome back! Dont hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or feedback
in reply to Renaud Chaput

Hey @renchap ! Thanks for the replies in this thread. Quick q: is there a good list of #Mastodon devs to follow (in addition to you, who I’ve just followed :)) or a particular account to keep an eye on what’s being rolled out?

I made a joke a few days ago about Mastodon development seeming slow compared to BlueSky but I’m also aware that a part of that perception on my part is that I follow pfrazee over on BS and he’s a pretty active poster.

in reply to Wraithe

@Wraithe @renchap not to mention that BlueSky is a multi-million dollar corporation...😳