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Items tagged with: Neurodivergent

The thing is, it IS possible to find that middle ground and manage things… to an extent. You’ll probably never be as “put together”as a neurotypical person, and it will be much harder for you than for them, and they very well might not understand why. But you can get by, and some people manage to thrive despite the difficulty.

I know it feels so hard. I know you just want to sleep, or hide. But don’t give up. You’re worth it. #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity

It is astonishing how quickly stuff can pile up: junk, dishes, laundry, trash… debt… as people with ADHD we are told not to sweat the small stuff, but if we do that we forget about the small stuff, and then it becomes big stuff. And if we *do* focus on the small stuff, it’s easy for it to feel overwhelming and never-ending and anxiety-inducing, making us paranoid and miserable.

Finding a middle ground is so, so hard to do.

#adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity

Just made this song about ADHD with AI. This is pretty amazing, not gonna lie.


[Verse]Brain feels like a maze
Can't focus just daze
Thoughts runnin' in loops
Lost in endless hoops

[Verse 2]
Clock ticks time is flyin'
Inside I'm just tryin'
World's loud can't keep up
Sippin' from an empty cup

[Chorus]ADHD got me spinnin' round
Feet on the ground but my head's in the clouds
Life in chaos hear the silent shouts
Lost in the mind can't figure it out

[Verse 3]
Struggle every day
Mind drifts far away
Heart heavy with the weight
Of things left incomplete

[Bridge]Isolation feels real
All wounds that won't heal
People don't understand
Livin' with an altered plan

[Chorus]ADHD got me spinnin' round
Feet on the ground but my head's in the clouds
Life in chaos hear the silent shouts
Lost in the mind can't figure it out

#AImusic #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ADHD #Neurodiversity #Music #Neurodiverse #Neurodivergent #AuDHD

I feel like this is why it's so hard for me to make friends. I am who I am and I don't "hide" that in any way. So, when I meet someone new, I treat them as if they're my new best friend and that becomes an issue....🤦‍♂️

#ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #Neurodiverse #Neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #Memes #Meme

we're moving to #Prague! and we need some friends.
we're moving to #Czechia in August or September and we might be a bit lonely. so if you're #queer, #Jewish, #neurodivergent, in your 20's or all of the above, we'd like to know you!

I'm into #music, #FOSS, #linguistics, #DoctorWho, #TTRPG and #DropoutTV. oh, and I'm #trans.
my girlfriend likes #medicine, British television, #Disney, #Eurovision and #TrueCrime. "I am the bisexual stereotype".


#Praha #Prag #PleaseBoost