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Items tagged with: StandWithUkraine

According to the International Criminal Court, over 100,000 Ukrainian children have been kidnapped by Putin's military, then deported by the Russian military and sent to reeducation camps inside Russia. Estimates of up to 700,000 kids have been forcibly removed or deported from their homes. Russia's plan is to erase Ukrainian identity by creating orphans and kidnapping the children. This is genocide.

This is Oleksandr from Mariupol. Russian soldiers separated boy and his mother in filtration camp in March, 2022. He has not seen his mother since then. Every year on June 4th, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression acknowledges the pain that children around the world suffer. We must stop this terror now. World must hold Russia accountable for its actions.

Stop Putin's genocide of Ukrainians.

#ArmUkraine #LetUkraineStrikeBack #Ukraine #EU #UN #nato #StandWithUkraine
#StopRussianAggression #arrestputin #RussiaIsATerroristState #DefeatRussia

Sheer brass neck of #Sunak's Tories is unbelievable. They promise money to some towns (largely tory) without funding. Tories in office 4 14 years, have robbed Councils of £Billions, now propose to pit one Council against another. Tories treat the British people with contempt. The stench of corruption encircles Downing St like a cloud. #SunakisaLiar #rejoinEU #StandWithUkraine #ToryLiars

🇮🇹 🇺🇦
Italian Foreign Minister #Tajani:

"We stand very firm in defending Ukraine but also we are very firm in defending peace"

"We do not authorize the use of Italian weapons outside the borders of Ukraine"

"This is the will of the Italian people"

"We are Italians and since we are still not certain who is gonna win at the end, we are not going yet to decisively support one side over the other" 😎

#Ukraine #russia #Ukrainerussiawar #StandwithUkraine #Italy

Nevertheless the Netanyahu-Hamas war seems to me very convenient for Russia and Iran.

Russia will not stop with Ukraine

An autocratic regime like Russia can prioritize expansion of defense industries over economic well-being to sustain their military actions in Ukraine

The time that is being spent by Russia inside Ukraine is also time that we have to get our industrial base to where it needs to be

Russia now is increasingly reliant on importing both equipment & technology, notably from #china

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

Eighty years ago, millions of Ukrainians fought for Nazism to lose forever. But today, Ukrainians are again opposing the evil that has been reborn, has come again, and wants to destroy us again. An army of monsters who kill, torture, and wipe out peaceful cities and villages from the face of the earth. Evil, the name of which is Russian fascism. Abbreviated as the Russian Federation.

On the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism, remembering millions of Ukrainians who, together with other peoples, fought and won, we believe and bring a new day of a new victory closer, when the expulsion of the Nazis from Ukraine.

It's impossible to deny that Russia has its own versions of Nazi ideology. The way to stop Nazism remains the same. Only joint efforts can be effective.

Russia puts every country that doesn’t submit to its terror on its "list."

As long as Russia exists in its current form, no country is safe unless it is a pawn or accomplice of a terrorist state. Part 1.

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#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine

Presidential Zelenskyy from the site of the torture chamber where war criminal Russians killed over 300 civilians in one town in Ukraine.

Together we must stop the Russian war of aggression. Never again is now.
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#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #StopGenocide
#SlavaUkraini #SlavaUkrainii 🇺🇦

Speaker Mike Johnson survived an attempt to oust him by nutjob Marjorie Taylor Greene.
The way I see it, Democrats propped him up this time in return for letting aid to Ukraine come to a vote and pass in the House of Representatives.
Saving Ukraine is easily worth having Johnson as a figurehead speaker for a few more months.

#USHouseOfRepresentatives #SpeakerMikeJohnson #InvasionOfUkraine #StandWithUkraine #UkraineAidNow #USPolitics #СлаваУкраїні #путинхуйло