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Items tagged with: sillyscribbles

Getting distracted by lichen now. I'd forgotten how excellent this spot was; really need to head back. Maybe I'll find out what this one saw that disturbed them so much.

#sillyScribbles #lichenSubscribe #Scotland #photography

Here we go! To celebrate the weekend here's the crossover you never knew you needed; the Friday dancers & Myfanwy!

As ever have a good weekend if you possibly can 😃

#FridaySparklyDancers #MyfanwyAndFriend #sillyScribbles #animation

I cannot apologise enough to Rembrandt for this, but oh my, it was fun to do.

#sillyScribbles #MyfanwyAndFriend #artwork #silly #nonsense

Oooh, the indestructible St John's Wort in the garden is budding. It's growing in the wrong place (hence I know it's indestructible) but it is very photogenic.

#sillyScribbles #bloomsScrolling #gardening #photography #silly #cute #nonsense


The Myfanwy & Friend family is expanding.

With Myfanwy's recent move into politics, on top of her demanding roles in art, film & travelogue, we are happy to welcome Esme to the team in Scotland to spread the load.

Please... say hello to the delightful and excellent Esme!

(Thank you @sheepnik, you're a star!)

#MyfanwyAndFriend #sillyScribbles #knitting #photography

Every time I've opened my 'in progress' file for the last three days this has been facing me. It has undergone many tweaks, and is still not quite right, but I have run out of tweaks. In a different frame of mind I would delete, but today it feels mean, so I am declaring it to be finished. Whatever it is, it is very pleased to meet you.

#sillyScribbles #photography #silly #nonsense #drawing
