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Items tagged with: ChatGPT

I feel kinda sad for all the people still posting complaints about stuff they know won't go away or be changed. It's like if I went online and bitched EVERY DAY about not getting a million dollars, fully believing that by doing that I'll eventually get a million dollars....

Unfortunately that's not how the world works and people ranting about stuff like AI, thinking it's doing anything besides making them look like a crazy person, is just so sad.🤦‍♂️

It's not going anywhere. It really isn't. I'm sorry to break it to you like this. I hope you can move on and find something more important to spend your time complaining about.

#AI #AIart #Midjourney #StableDiffusion #DALLE3 #LLM #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #GenuineIgnorance

I've had occasion to ask an AI about a thing twice lately (a recent online phenomenon, and a book recommendation). Both times I asked both Gemini and ChatGPT, and both times one gave a reasonable if bland answer, and the other (a different one each time) gave a plausible but completely fictional ("hallucinated") answer.

When do we acknowledge that LLMs, and "AI" in general, aren't quite ready to revolutionize the world?

#AI #LLM #LLMs #ChatGPT #gemini

Feature creep @ #Logitech: The software to customize my mouse settings can now also send my current text selection to #ChatGPT to rephrase it. BUT WHYYY!?!?!?

#AI #butwhy #butwhytho #FeatureCreep

#LLM Agents can Autonomously #Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities


To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the #CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and #Metasploit).

#ai #technology #Software #chatgpt #bug #hack #news #cybersecurity

Is #ChatGPT corrupting peer review? Telltale words hint at #AI use


Out of more than 1,600 scientists who responded to a 2023 Nature survey, nearly 30% said they had used generative AI to write papers and around 15% said they had used it for their own literature reviews and to write grant applications.

#technology #science #news #future

True. Callous writing, I had suspected #ChatGPT and its brethren, but no, "Kurtis Reid"


“AI” as currently hyped is giant billion dollar companies blatantly stealing content, disregarding licenses, deceiving about capabilities, and burning the planet in the process.

It is the largest theft of intellectual property in the history of humankind, and these companies are knowingly and willing ignoring the licenses, terms of service, and laws that us lowly individuals are beholden to.

#AI #GenAI #LLM #LLMs #OpenAI #ChatGPT #GPT #GPT4 #Sora #Gemini

found on reddit (where else...) best #chatGPT joke ever.

#AI #VoiceGeneration #DeepFakes

via #TheVerge

"#OpenAI’s voice cloning AI model only needs a 15-second sample to work


Called Voice Generation, the model has been in development since late 2022 and powers the Read Aloud feature in #ChatGPT."

"# The AI-generated voice can read out text prompts on command in the same language as the speaker or in a number of other languages.👈"
"OpenAI told the publication the model will only be available to about 10 developers."