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Items tagged with: astrodon

ESA's Diretorate's of Science first newsletter is out! With news items on:

* the first Director of Science Town Hall
* our new research fellows in space science
* IRIS call for science planners
* Einstein Probe first light
* Conference Announcement: 22 Years of Integral
* Vacancy: LISA Science Operations Development Manager

+ some science highlights & conferences.


If you are a scientist or just interested in programmatic news, you can subscribe!


These mean looking sunspots are the cause of the strongest geomagnetic storm (G5 - Severe) in 20 years!

They are really huge, spanning about 16 Earth diameters. Auroras are happening now and probably will continue over the weekend.

Pic with a 2415mm focal length Dall-Kirkham telescope with a 2X Barlow, a Baader Astrosolar filter, and a bandpass infrared filter (850 nm).

#science #sunspots #sun #aurora #astrodon #astrophotography

How far did astronomers travel world-wide for conferences in 2019 in total? More than 300 times to the Moon & back! Or, to put it in astronomical units: more than 1.5 AU, so to the Sun and halfway back!


A 🧵 summarizing our paper "Astronomy’s climate emissions: Global travel to scientific meetings in 2019" - published today, lead by Andrea Gokus (who also wrote the draft for this thread) and @knud, with many people, among them @leo & me, contributing:




The new JWST image of a small bit of the Horsehead Nebula is INCREDIBLE.

To give you a sense of scale here, here’s an image of the nebula from my backyard. That small white box … that’s the JWST field of view! 🤯🤯🤯

Look at ALL those galaxies, all in that tiny white box.

JWST image credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt and A. Abergel.

[updated]Dodgy image with white boxes is my own.

#JWST #SpaceTelescope #HorseheadNebula #Astronomy #Galaxies #Astrodon

Our galaxy seems to be full of "rogue" planets wandering alone between the stars.

A new observation from NASA's TESS space telescope hints that these dark worlds might hugely outnumber the normal (?) planets, like Earth, that bask in the warmth and light of a sun. #space #science #astronomy #astrodon

Why is Methane Seeping on Mars?

The most surprising revelation from NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover — that methane is seeping from the surface of Gale Crater — has scientists scratching their heads.

#Mars #curiosity #rover #methane #GaleCrater #geology #geophysics #regolith #soil #salt #chemistry #astrodon #space #science #STEM

We recently released version 2.1 of the #ChandraXRay Source Catalog!

In short, everything we observed that was released publicly prior to the end of 2021 has been reduced, processed, and made available for easy consumption. With over 400,000 individual sources and covering 730 square degrees, the CSC opens the X-ray sky to all astronomers -- even if you've never looked at an X-ray photon before.

Learn more:
#Astrodon #XRaysAreTheBestRays

These four captivating photos were taken from space, offering breathtaking perspectives of our planet Earth. Each image provides a unique view that invites viewers to marvel at the beauty and complexity of our world from a perspective that few ever get to experience firsthand.

#EarthDay #EarthDay2024 #Earth #Science #Astronomy #Astrodon #Space #PaleBlueDot #HappyEarthDay

🧵 1/2

Allow me to introduce Alex Mustill’s latest paper, where he focuses on “The formation of transiting circumplanetary 🔭🪐 debris discs from the disruption of satellite systems during planet-planet scattering” which features one of the coolest diagrams I’ve seen. /1 #astronomy #astrodon