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Items tagged with: css

The question of whether CSS is a programming language serves only one purpose: to demote those who write it.

There is no confusion that needs to be clarified, and no other purpose in asking, beyond the most trivial kind of pedantry.

The debate itself is an act of gatekeeping, whether intentional or not. Its only significant effect is to elevate some work over other work, despite their essentially identical nature.

The only meaningful function of the question is segregation. #css


This could be handy.

"The Ultimate Collection of #CSS only Shapes"


There's been a lot of discussion about masonry in CSS recently. I wrote about the Chrome team's proposal to help clarify why we have concerns with bundling masonry in with grid, and to show that a separate spec doesn't mean fewer features. #css

Har ej sjuk läggning. Säg inget till någon. Men jag gillar att kolla på kurser om teknik utan att egentligen ta kursen. Nu får det bli lite "The Web Developer Bootcamp"

#HTML #CSS #JS osv. Bara för att det är gött 😂

Vad är jag för människa

#html #css #js

This piece from @heydon details his system for using the new features of #CSS to test HTML for proper semantics and structure. Just incredible what’s going on in some of these selectors.


This is a very neat trick to unset max-height when an HTML element with resize='vertical' set in CSS is resized. So you can have elements initially displayed with a max-height but then resized beyond it:

(Should work as is for resize='block' and with the selector tweaked to use "width" for horizontal/inline.)

#web #dev #tip #CSS #resize #maxHeight

Well, the topic I disliked the most is your plan to compromise the online safety, security and privacy of all 450 million Europeans with the plans to scan their devices. In addition, you are not open and transparent enough about these plans, as most of those 450 million do not know you are working on this. You know it does not work and that is in violation with human rights, yet you keep pushing. Why? #CSAM #CSS #Encryption #Security #Privacy #GDPR

.@heydon shares how he uses recent advances in CSS to perform detailed HTML testing without JavaScript. The technique is useful for accessibility audits, and can be applied independently across stacks.

Hat tip: @pablolarah #frontend #html #CSS #testing

Inspired by @robb, I made a game collection page — less visually appealing, but I had fun with the #CSS:

📝 Testing HTML With Modern CSS

(The last time I addressed this topic was circa 2016. It's amazing what you can write selectors for these days. Plus we have custom properties!)

#CSS #a11y

#css #a11y