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Items tagged with: Antisemitism

#AOC Says ‘#Progressive Movement Is Undermined’ When #Israel Criticism ‘Crosses a Line’ Into #Antisemitism

Just to give an indication of how often this happens, this is a report we just got about me in response to this post I made <20 minutes ago talking about how much harassment Jews get just for existing.

#antisemitism #FediAntisemitism

I used to be a huge fan of Robert Reich, but in this post, he's making it seem like Jews who complain about antisemitism are complaining about pro-peace protests.

This isn't the case. Virtually no Jews are against protests around peace and support of peace.

The problem is when those protests chant antisemitic phrases, involve antisemitic demands, or involve actual physical assault on Jews.

Conflating real and genuine concerns with nonsense is a way to marginalize Jews.

This is evidence that yes, a Jew can do/say antisemitic things.

As for the Substack article's assertion that we shouldn't legislate- he conveniently ignores that universities already "legislate" speech and actions on campus heavily, both officially and unofficially.

What he's arguing for is an exception where it's okay to attack Jews but no one else, the ultimate in double standard.

#antisemitism #RobertReich

I'm beginning to suspect that some of this #antizionism not #antisemitism stuff might actually just be antisemitism.

"Rabbi Yaacov Behrman, had posted video of the rally online in which protesters screamed at him, “We don’t want no #Zionists here.” One person told him to “Go back to your Shabbat tunnel, dumb f—”

These conversations only make sense once you recognize that "Zionist" is a dog whistle for Jew.


Here's one of the statements Wing Luke staff walked out over. 👀

"Explanatory panels highlight a rising tide of #antisemitism and hate crimes in #Seattle. The exhibit says that graffiti sprayed in November on the Herzl-Ner Tamid #Synagogue on Mercer Island that said “stop killing” was antisemitism “disguised as "antiZionism ... as if the #Jews of Mercer Island could control the actions of the #Israeli government.”

Today in Michigan, a Nazi was sentenced for conspiring with other Nazis to threaten Black and Jewish people and desecrate a synagogue with swastikas.

He was prosecuted by DOJ's Civil Rights Division. If Trump wins, the GOP promises to turn the Civil Rights Division into its opposite, prosecuting any institution that has DEI programs.

If you're voting third-party, you're saying you're okay with that.

#USPol #racism #antisemitism

"Trump blames Soros for guilty verdict, invoking trope Jewish groups say is antisemitic"

$GOP #Trump #convicted #felon #Soros #antisemitism

Svaret är judarna. Det finns inga judar i Syd-Sudan, Etiopien, Centralafrikanska republiken och Ukraina att skylla all världens ondska på.

Om du inte ser den brutala antisemitismen i denna galna enögdhet så är du helt blind. Eller så är du helt enkelt en antisemit.



TIL: The Irish were always pro-Nazi.

This should not be surprising, given the history of Irish Americans and their bigotry against Black folks.

#ireland #antisemitism #bigotry #politics

Rysk påverkansoperation misstänks ligga bakom nytt antisemitiskt klotter i Paris#främmandemakt #Frankrike #antisemitism

Today in Labor History May 22, 1968: New York police broke through the barricades at Columbia University, busting the student occupations there. As a result, 998 were arrested and over 200 injured. Students were demanding a black studies program and an end to military recruitment and ROTC on campus. Sound familiar? However, today’s student protests are bringing back the worst of 1960s-‘70s police brutality and university intolerance for Free Speech along with McCarthy era firing, blacklisting and doxing of academics for the crime of criticizing the Israeli government, under bogus claims of antisemitism.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #columbia #policebrutality #acab #antiwar #antiracism #student #protest #antisemitism #mccarthyism #freespeech #academicfreedom #studentprotest #freepalestine #EndTheOccupation #EndTheSiege #gaza

Antisemitism since October.

Learn why this concerning trend isn’t just a matter of concern to the Jewish community, but a direct threat to democracy and national security. Gain insights into how the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. government in general, are addressing Jew-hatred around the world and why a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach is more critical now than ever before.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be informed, engaged, and empowered to counter antisemitism.

Join us virtually on May 24th by registering here:

Follow the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Instagram and X (Twitter) for updates.

#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #JFedi #Oct7 #AntiSemitism #JIMENA #Jewish #JewishWomen

Any Jewish students feeling "unsafe" because of student protests against the #genocide in #Gaza are admitting their commitment to #Zionism & giving a free pass to #Israel. No Jew is threatened for being a Jew in these protests. These protests are is not an indication of #antisemitism, but humanism. Yet the Israel lobby is pushing media to deflect attention from Israeli #warcrimes to discredited, worn out old claims of "anti-semitism".

@TonyStark @gerb

A really graphic example was the "Have you ever thought that by being here, you bring risk and danger to other participants?"

It's actually scary how many folks on #mastodon don't see a problem there. Mostly dudes, btw.

#esc #Eurovision #antisemitism #mysogony